The only way I'd agree with MO not scaling, is if the Chaos Emerald's no longer scale to Shuffle slop.
Despite the blatant implication they do.
But at that point, may as well gut your own verse.
Or the people desperate to keep Overlord at low 1-C,
It makes more sense and has far less mental gymnastics compared to the opposition. I quite frankly don't care if his ass is 4-A, 3-A, 2-C, 1-A, or goddamn 9-B, whatever the evidence presented suggests, is what I will argue.
yet don't even bother to do one bit of work in this verse,
I want all the times I helped Dale and discussed Sonic feats with him back then.
are doing extreme amounts of mental gymnastics and denial to simply have their agenda.
Almost every argument given is prefaced, or tacked on with "Sonic would scale so bad". As if that actually effects the scaling or statements or feats at play. No, that, is what we call an agenda.
I don't want any sass for someone who never went to a Sonic thread before this one.
Sucks, I can post wherever I please. And I will continue do so. Get used to me. I'm here to stay.
My argument is just that Overlord fought baseline super forms,
Which isn't stated and on the contrary Eggman fully believes even with the Chaos slop the actual chance of beating them is miniscule.
Even IF, your interpret that somehow as him meaning drawing on the high end power, and thus that would require to beat him. The very fact they beat him, implicates they hit that very small window of high end energy and he would scale anyway because he is scripted to take numerous blows from them.
Even with your interpretation of what he's saying (Not what he's actually saying), would your conclusion hold up.
Which is objectively not true. That isn't Base Shadow, it's Shadow after being noted to have gotten stronger. He's an unknown variable.
Your argument requires to take a statement from Advance, interpret in a very specific way, then upscale it from generic Overlord hype,
Looks straightforward to me. I'm taking it at face value.
make a headcanon about how Shadow can turn Doom Powers off, then dismiss him losing to base Sonic using this headcanon and claiming he sandbagged (when all he did was refuse to use Doom Spear).
Shadow objectively says he would only fight on Sonic's level, if he can not beat him as an equal, he won't beat him at all.
He refused to use Doom Spear, but he also refused to use any of his newgained stuff because that's what he says, as equals.
We know Shadow isn't equal with Sonic innately at that point, because we're told he's gotten stronger just, generally.
We are told Shadow and Sonic are equal in that very game, in base.
Under your premise of dismissing all additional context, we would have a situation where Shadow's stated stronger base state, would scale to his base state before said power boosts, which, obviously, isn't how that works.
All ignoring how he even pulled the ol switcheroo and said "yeah I could beat his ass but using my new stuff isn't fair so let him have the fake rock, we'll just swap it back out later lmao".
Because truth be told, the Advance statements would actually mean Chaos Emeralds in general are stronger than the Precious Stone. It would mean Super Sonic in Advance is above the Precious Stone because the statements come from that particular game. Which means low 1-C Super Egg Robo, which means low 1-C Egg Dragoon.
That's cool. Idc tho.
In fact, Infinite is actually stronger than anyone else if we go purely out of hype statements. We don't even have to the advisement. We can just use Eggman's own words.
Cool, do it then.
"Every defeat. Every humiliation at the Hedgehog's hands will be returned a thousand fold by my unstoppable creation."
Cool, do it then.
Eggman calls Infinite "unstoppable". In Japanese he says he's his "ultimate" creation.
Cool, do it then.
This clearly means Infinite is STRONGER than the Time Eater, as he would need to be in order to be "unstoppable" or the "ultimate creation".
Sure. Idc, if that's what the context implicates, and they have the funny rocks to do so, and he says Infinite is unstoppable even then. Go for it idc.
This is the same logic as the emeralds upscaling the Metal Overlord upscaling the Precious Stone. There's no anti-feats either, as Forces Sonic got STRONGER, so he could easily jumped to 1-C in strength. We know he got stronger, but not much, after-all.
Not at all given Eggman believes the pebbles > Preciousstone in power. And then believes even with them the actual likelyhood of beating MO at the time is almost non-existent because MO is simply that powerful.
Honestly, you're not being subtle anymore. It seems to me, that it's less MO scaling is wrong, and more how it would scale to Sonic eventually (via a twitter statement and sonic suckerpunching shadow and him pretending to go down....).