Killer Bee is because of his style of fighting though, Toji doesn't fight in such a complex manner similar to that at all.
But that still proves that Sasuke's incapable of copying all of his opponents movements. There have been plenty of times where Sasuke hasn't copied his opponents fighting style so its not something he does consistently.
Plus even if Sasuke did copy his movements, he wouldnt get the full benefit since Toji is using his own skill set + cursed tools to make them as good as they are. Furthermore, when has Sasuke ever copied Taijutsu rather than Jutsu?
Toji's way of fighting is very basic and just looking at his showings against Geto.
Not being flashy =/= Not being skilled. Blud literally steam rolled Geto, he doesn't need to use martial arts to be skilled.
Dagon and Megumi you can see that.
That was Puppet of Carnage Toji who's essentially a mindless beast. That's not fair in any way shape or form to discredit his skill with.
Meanwhile Sasuke's precog lets him copy people from one exchange.
Sasuke doesnt have Precognition, he has Analytical prediciton. Analytical Prediction thats negged before.
lets him keep up with Haku.
Haku was kicking Naruto's and Sasuke's ass. He also had Naruto there to aid him, so its pretty disingenuous for you to say that Sasuke was keeping up despite being blitzed, beaten and stabbed by Haku for the majority of the fight.
Kid Sasuke never beat Orochimaru, the fight wasn't long and Orochimaru obviously was holding back. If Orochimaru wanted to he could have very easily killed Sasuke back then.
You mean the high difficulty fight? Yeah, lets not pretend Sasuke was negging Naruto via skill because they were about even back then.
Lee, all more complex fighters when it comes to close combat.
Lee literally humiliated Sasuke and Naruto within the same day mate. Speaking of Lee, again Sasuke was incapable of predicting his moves or copying them. Also you know they're more complex due to them having Jutsu's to utilize right? (Barring Lee the Chad. ) Toji doesn't have the luxury of having supernatural powers to aid him in close qauters like how Haku, Orochimaru and Naruto do. It's not 100% skill for them, it's skill that's aided by their respective Jutsu outside of Lee.
Yet Toji was completely ready against Gojo.
After awhile, shit even being hit by Red Toji was stilled confused as to how Gojo suddenly got new abilities. And it was at point blank range.
Nothing shows confusion in combat, only in him still being alive. This really shouldn't throw off someone as skilled as Toji should it?
Being skilled =/= being prepared for everything. You do realize how ridiculous it is to use this as an argument whenever I can do the same with Sasuke. Such as Sasuke being taken off by Lee's Taijutsu, failing to avoid his attacks, being taken off guard by Haku's ice mirrors, etc.
They shouldn't throw off someone as skilled as Sasuke right?
Sasuke damn sure does not start off with his Curse Mark.
And being more skilled isn't gonna let Toji magically predict better than Maki, its the same senses nothing implies Toji is any better with it.
Yeah no, not how that works. Maki is vastly less experienced with her HR gifts, Toji's been using it for significantly longer therefore he'd be better with it than someone who's had it half as long as he did.