Marvel Multiverse is only a couple thousands currently
For starter we see Owen and Franklin making universes one at a time, they did it in half a decade . and took break in between, they could not have done it without each other's help
Newest info states that Franklin is who conceived of, and manifested, each and every universe individually. Owen then used his molecules to bind and anchor those universes to reality, one by one
Those spiderman scans means nothing but writer errors, we know the most official canon, the current multiverse is created one universe at a time by Owen and Franklin, Which Reed stated to be couple thousands. This is Hickman's cosmology current.
Unlike DC where there are scans proving each planes of existence infinitely dwarfs the last
Primal Monitor>∞ 6th Dimension>∞ 5th DIMENSION>∞ 4th Dimension >∞ Limbo >∞ Gods Sphere and Dark Multiverse >∞ 3rd Dimension infinite dc multiverse
places like Superflow is only equivelant to bleedspace, it's there to seperate universes
The neutral zone is just at the farthest edge of universes/multiverse, which filled with positive and negative matters. It doesn't say anything about it being a higher reality realm, it's not a plane of existence that infinitely dwarfs the marvel multiverse. It's a place very far from the distance. it's not the ocean where the tiny boat of marvel multiverse sits on.
right now In DC, you can go to the Monitor world, and observe the infinity of infinities inside an Orrery. Or you can go to the 4th world. Or you can go to the 5th dimension. You have infinity -- then infinity of infinities -- then infinities that makes the clusters of infinities look small etc.
the difference is
Marvel Structure: infinite universes/timelines/multiverses (Pre SW, now it's not infinite anymore)
DC Structure: infinite universes/timelines/multiverses + different levels of existence to reach archetypal infinity (There's evidence of this specifically stated on the multiverse map under Sphere of Gods text )
the higher dimension planes of beings in DC look at the main multiverse, like us real life human beings looking at comic book characters, if that makes sense
that's why monitor's realm has manisfestation of narration and meta thought forms.
Ewing has made it clear that marvel omniverse/multiverse is made of individual universes.
And what happens when you go outside multiverse? There's just void.
Kubik and Kosmos went to the edge of the universe there and never beyond it hence they turned into microverse next. in retrospect which would make Beyond realm even smaller as it is just at the edge of the universe.