In another period of my life, I'd have just bashed at you for simply saying what you said.
However, as I have since matured, I'll go on to explain why Krillin facing SSB Goku means little to nothing in the complete Dragonball Super design.
During the period where Goku was searching for warriors to participate in the Tournament of Power, he decided to test the warriors he faced, not necessarily at full strength. Now, Super Saiyan Blue is a incredible form in the sense of its ki control. In fact, Super Saiyan Blue has been able to face enemies who were previously defeated by enemies weaker than Goku's own BASE form. Krillin is no exception.
While I personally believe the humans in a general scale to be above Freeza's maximum in Namek (We can debate about this, in fact), even if you don't, Krillin still showed quite the potential during said moments of Dragonball Super. He developed a new technique, managed to outwit warriors and faced with great strategy and technique. However, as he himself states, Gohan before training in his BASE was already stronger than he is. In fact, Krillin only defeated Gohan in his base for a certain amount of PIS (While I could see Krillin defeating Base Gohan, who is his superior in power, through technique, simply blinding him wouldn't work as Gohan had just faced an opponent while blinded and even managed to defeat/stalemate him).
So it's clear that the Super Saiyan Blue that faced Krillin, one of the greatest human warriors alive, wasn't the same as the warrior that can destroy planets, instead, a far weaker warrior, possibly even weaker than Goku in his Super Saiyan state.
To prove this point, just look at the whole scenario. Krillin was previously outmatched in power by Gohan's base, but through technique he manages to defeat him. Goku then faces him and overpowers him in base, but is still struggling against Krillin's strategies. Goku turns Blue to see what Krillin would do against a warrior in that level, and Krillin manages to PUSH BACK Goku's Kamehameha and later #18 kicks it away. #18's greatest recent feat is defeating Krillin, and before that was weaker than Piccolo soon after fusing with God.
tl;dr Goku was holding back, Krillin is nowhere near as strong as Blue, he is still a great character though