Alright, there is alot to unpack. I admit, I am not the biggest God of War fan, I have no personal objections to them being 2-C and I write this with great pragmatism and skepticism.
I will link the threads here:
From my understanding, these are the only three threads but I will break them down, point for point.
Olympians and Nyx I will start with the first thread, the one that got denied before Kepekley had any power in this community. The first point with the primordials is sort of sketchy. The video itself does hint that Uranus and Co created the universe, however the video narrator itself said and quote. "The wrath of the primordials… the very beings that forged the earth." Clearly there is a disconnect between the two, do we trust the visuals or do we trust the narrator? One is 5-B the other is 4-A to 3-A. The OP for this post does have evidence right here that the primordials created the universe, but this contradicts what we see in any of the games directly. This also is partially contradicted by another writer right here. Spawned by the big bang =/= Universe Level. This is blatantly "The primordials were created by the big bang." and not "I started the big bang." However, if I were to accept her comments at face value, creating galaxies does mean 4-A to 3-B obviously. But not universe level. This is blatant Equivocation. The same thing with bringing life to the universe. This is a vague statement. It could mean he created the universe, but it can also mean he either brought life, lifeforms into the universe. Now before you say that is a reach, I have the OP's next point.
Birthright means an inherited gift. This means that in this construction exactly. The Son of Chaos (aka who ever this eyeball dude is), are granted the gift of the universe by the father of the universe. Who is the father? Uranus? Well we can't equivocate the above statement because it is vague. He was in the original myth, and yes I am aware GOW using the original myth as a sort of basis, not a fact of life. This one could be 3-A, but I am more tempted to chalk this up to flowery language. The construction is off. Even by GOW standards. I will come back to this, and I admit this is the strongest piece of evidence.
-Hyperion's Spear This one is just really ridiculous. For one, a star can't hold the weight of the cosmos. Period. Matt brought up even if it did that it would be a supermassive blackhole because of the weight. This seems like writer induced stupidity. Also, forging it in the sun's core is also not even star level. We all know this. IIRC this is 5-B or somewhere in tier 4, but not tier 3. I have many more issues with this but for the sake of brevity, I will just touch upon this one. Naming a spear after the progenitor =/= the power of the progenitor. I don't care which verse it is, this is never a valid way to scale.
Yes, we ignore alot of science the way we handle things in the wiki, but this has three red flags I am just writing this off as 'No'. Period. Even if it was accurate, Weekly pointed this out, this can be up to 3-B. But no, not valid. Ignores science in two ways, using the name of the progenitor also does not count to me.
-Chrono's created Time Yeah no issues here, if Matt does with his skepticism, I will probably be inclined to listen. But on this one,I am on Kepekleys side. I do however have a personal bias. I used this exact reasoning for upgrading this guy right here. So yes, Infinite Speed and our first blatant Low 2-C statement. Now if you have a problem with the premise of creating time = Low 2-C, I can pull up some science as evidence but yes this is fine.
-Nyx So according to this we have a few things here. First off, banishment from the night sky is blatant BFR. Period. Not an ap feat, just hax. Also, 4-A Also, the OP argued that this was an alternate dimension. Another equivocation fallacy. For one, writers use dimension in space time Low 2-C context or High 2-A and beyond or even just a small pocket realm that I have seen upwards of 4-A, to 3-B to whatever.
Without a size, we just know it is a big pocket with a moon, which is 5-A. See Dracula from Castlevania in some games, his castle has a moon inside in some of them, and that is it.
This one the OP just lied. No, they were not 'equal' in strength.The writer herself said that they had all different strengths and weaknesses. This is true for even the gods in old myth.
-Zeus All this proves a giant war happened. Nothing more or less. Not 3-A. It was probably used by the OP to prove that 3-A in scale was consistent, so not going to strawman him here, but it is worthy of mention. Also, this is another nitpick admitedly, but the question is sound. Are the Titans/Gods equal to the Primordials? He answered yes, which is fine, but then answered with "Because they took replaced eachother." That is...silly. When people replace eachother in power, they dont all have the same level of 'power'. Arguing otherwise is fallacious usually. This portion of the OP seems fine, so I won't harp on it too hard but this seems to be wishy washy at best. Although Idk GOW too well, it looks like Zeus and Hades wrestled Chronos to the ground. You can argue that makes it more consistent, but I honestly will trust the OP here.
Again, if Matt has more issues with it, may he answer with his great gospal.
-World Pillar I get that we settled that creation, as controversial as it is, is 3-A. But it seems like to me since it referenced the living world, it is 5-B, and that is the creation discussed here. Not the entire universe. If the writers are fine with cosmic scaling, why not use the word here too? They used living world. Also here too, using of the word world. 5-B Equivocation to assume otherwise. It seems like all of this is just the crux of existence, not it being 3-A. Now, if you read this far. I am mostly fine with the scaling below and speed, so I will focus on this point. I just so happen to be taking a mythology class, and the term 'Chaos' is thrown around here alot, so lets look at the mythology from the time as a brief history of the term Chaos is the primordial state of existence, both in GOW and in Greek Myth. It is formless. Now if you read, you get 5-B, then 4-A then 3-B/3-A in the order. The first thing ever born from Chaos was Gaja, or the Earth itself. So it seems like Causality follows through, Peresphone is correct. Destroying the world pillar will destroy the living world and descend it to chaos. Because in myth, the first thing born from Chaos was the Earth. So this is honestly up to your interpretation, read the myth for yourself (sorry it is sideways my teacher is a silly goose.) I am counting it as 5-B however. Maybe 4-A Wow, 4-A is looking real consistent, is it? Well, that is this thread.
I will only address the ones I think are fallacious, and not backed by evidence, so lets go over them.
Claim 3: "Helios doesn't actually banish Nyx, it's a metaphor for him bringing the day". Response: This is a strawman. One it is BFR, two even if it was accurate, it is 4-A. But losing your domain doesn't count. I can lock someone out of their house, doesn't make me 8-C. No, I used hax, the almighty Key! This doesn't prove anything, in all honesty. This just proves that he was banished, setting it up as a strawman to promoted 3-A GOW.
Claim 4: "You are using Word of God to support your claims. We reject that here" Answer: No problem with your claim here, but a few feats are vague and have sentence construction that can be picked apart. But not gonna set up that as a sort of red herring. My issue here is that consistency does lean to 4-A, not 3-A. Plain and simple.
Claim 7: "The God of War universe has small stars and is not a proper universe, the Sun is just a chariot carried into the sky by Helios." Answer: This is your shining example? Again, 4-A. I am being super generous too. I am sure if you pixel scaled that, it would be far lower. Maybe 4-A, but by a low end. Kratos is clearly not that far away and we already know his height. Get to work Kepekely. I already debunked this screenshot for 3-A, but it is credence for 4-A.
Claim 8: "The concept artist statement where the Underworld is stated to be infinite is hyperbole." Claim 9: "Gaia states Kratos fell next to the very edge of Hades, proving it has an edge and is not infinite. It's false." Answer: Pick one. Having an 'upper' part of the underworld means either it is not infinite or that upper part is higher dimensional space. High 3-A is an infinite space, correct? Meaning it has infinite length, width and height. If he fell and there is a top, it isnt infinite. Cherry picking and equivocation once again. I am more inclined by the way to just dismiss the statement as per authorial intent. However it does mean it is very big. If it was higher dimensional space, then I will have some concerns. And that is it, time for the next thread.
Now based on what I wrote above, lets render judgement.
Uranus creating the universe and Cronos killing him (3-A/High 3-A due to GoW's universe size) Fine, but an outlier. Hyperion having a spear that can bear the weight of the universe (3-A to High 3-A due to universe size in GoW) Scientifically incorrect, equivocation. Atlas holding up the cosmos (3-A to High 3-A) Vague, can be 5-B or 3-B.
The World Pillar holding up the cosmos before Atlas (3-A to High 3-A) 5-B The World Pillar's destruction threatening all of creation, including the infinite Underworld, and being stated by Persephone to be able to revert the whole world to the primordial void of Chaos, which preceded the universe (High 3-A, possibly even Low 2-C considering the void preceded time itself, suggesting space-time would be destroyed) Equivocation and non sequiter Cronos creating time (self-explanatory Low 2-C) Also an outlier. I am fine with the feat itself however, but I will admit it is sort of on the speculatory side. Nyx creating and warping a dimension that contains stars and celestial bodies passively, with said dimension being a mirror of our own (Anywhere from 4-A to 3-A or higher) Agree, but it is 4-A Helios's light illuminating all of the Underworld, an infinite plane (Self-explanatory High 3-A) Didn't touch upon this too much, but nope. Helios's power damaging the World Pillar, which held up the cosmos for milennia
Counter Arguments Uranus created the universe! Obvious outlier. Need I remind you the gap even between 3-B and 3-A is so big it is even funny. Now, I have this imaginary rule (and until it is added on the outlier page, it is a stick of logic more then anything. It is called the rule of top tiers.) If a Top/God tier of a verse does something and it is contradicted by other feats by similar top tiers, it is not accurate. Roshi busting the Moon (5-C), but Piccolo max power was that of a nuke (7-B) Percy Jackson holding the sky (6-C) but max powered Percy, Hazel and Nico Struggle with various of their own high end feats. IE: Percy causing an eruption, Hazel destroying a small island and Nico best feat is 7-B (7-B to High 7-A) Mundus created a pocket dimension (3-A), literally anyone else struggles to cause High 6-A damage. There is this word called "nuance", you can argue for consistency only when it suits you, not for when you cherry pick definitons. Now you can argue if it was JUST Uranus and Primordials who scaled to this, I would be fine with it. But no, you are not. You say this scales to everyone. Ignoring how haxy myth is, I will be fine at face value if you said this was just Uranus. Chronos feat backs this up. But your claim that they scale to everyone when others struggle to do similar feats is equivocation and i hate using this word because it is borderline Ad Hominem, but pure headcanon. I am sorry, I just dont see it.
Hyperion having a spear that can hold the weight of the universe. Well for one it is scientifically inaccurate. Two, creating a spear inside the sun is not even tier 3. Three, naming yourself after the progenitor god that created the universe that I previously stated has alot of issues doesnt mean 3-A. Four, lifting the cosmos can range from 4-A to 3-B. Depends on how big the 'cosmos' is. Atlas holding up the cosmos. Again, Equivocation. Atlas has been shown to lift the Earth in myth, so he gets the pass in this regard. But lifting the cosmos, again is 3-B. And this has been done for 5-B context in the game so I am just gonna say this is inconsistent. Not based on headcanon, just based on the fact that while the two have been used interchangably, this requires more solid evidence for a definite 3-B. I can just as easily say it only is 5-B in this context Incredulous? Sure, but I need more evidence. This one though, I am close to neutral on.
The World Pillar holding up the cosmos before Atlas I don't actually remember you stating this in the first OP i went through, so I am gonna hold judgement on this. But again, 3-B at face value. The World Pillar's destruction threatening all of creation, including the infinite Underworld, and being stated by Persephone to be able to revert the whole world to the primordial void of Chaos, which preceded the universe Doesn't logically follow through, it was stated that this would bring the destruction of the living world. Creation in this context could easily mean 5-B as the original myth implies the same. Even assuming it was legitimate, destroying the world pillar isnt a feat. It merely destroying a crux in existence. If I can't have this for Final Fantasy 9, i am not letting it happen here! Destroying a ******* stone pillar isnt god damn 3-A or Low 2-C. It scales to literally no one and it is environmental destruction.
Helio's light illuminating the underworld.
I already stated that if it was truly infinite, Kratos would have not fell because High 3-A is something with infinite width, height and length. If he fell on something, such as the 'upper underworld', then that means it is not an infinite sized realm. Also, if there is an edge, it would imply it doesn't have infinite length or width so just plain inconsistent.
That is it with this thread.
In conclusion, the third thread has brought up a lot more issues with the feats above and I will just let the op speak for himself, some of which I was kind enough to entertain, but not this OP. Spawn has made some points
1 - The timeline scan is completely un - sourced, it supposed to be from the "official" website for God of War ascension but that doesn't even exist as nothing comes up when it is searched for which makes this very dubious canon at best and that's definitely pushing it. There is no confirmation the [2010 comics]( are canon either they weren't made by whoever makes the God of War games
Really? Well even if they were on FB (I am aware that GOW used this as a marketing trick), so sure why not but if we can't find the source of ANY of this. Then no, auto discredit. We need sources. Period.
2 - Atlas lifting the world's crust and Atlas's hammer having the weight of the world:.
So equivocation for world the planet, the crust and the cosmos? Only strengthens my above points.
I will admit that the other side of this debate has resorted to wanking and headcanon as ways to dismiss the otherside, which I am not for in any way. I think my arguments work well enough to debunk this. I just added some fallacies and used some logic.
TLDR: 4-A is definitely fine. Consistent.
Anything beyond is not fine. Don't use the lol its fiction fallacy, because It takes us nowhere. This wiki uses both fiction and science to come to reasonable conclusions in power. We don't dismiss science to side with fiction or vice versa. We use nuance.
Edit: For some reason the trailer wont link but it is crucial so here it is.