I know items can have profiles. That's not my point, my point is it's super redundant. The only thing that's different between the Hogyoku and Aizen is that the Hogyoku doesn't have Aizen-specific abilities/stats, and Aizen doesn't have 3-A/Low 2-C reality warping (although I assume a thread would be made to give Aizen that had this got accepted). Furthermore, it's not like the Hogyoku is an infinity gauntlet that you can equip and gain its powers. The Hogyoku will manifest the desires of those around it and do so at a much higher rate for those who subjugate. The thing is no one but Aizen subjugates it, so even giving this item to Kisuke you wouldn't be able to claim that he could receive the same abilities as Aizen. Given what Kisuke desires is different than what Aizen desires.
Additionally, upon further thought, I think I disagree with the 3-A/Low 2-C rating anyhow. The statement that it can alter the very world itself is not made in a vacuum, it can alter the very world itself by granting the desires of others. Aka by granting Aizen's desires (elevating him to a SK level) can enable him to alter the very world (SK level people can change the world as they see fit if they obtain the seat of SK, and beyond RG level people can affect the universe with their reiatsu). So it doesnt have to be saying the Hogyoku itself is directly warping reality, but rather by granting desires of others it can lead to powers which can alter the world, which is more in line with what we directly see in Aizen. For that reason I disagree with 3-A/Low 2-C.
Which now brings me back to why even make this profile to begin. Given the majority of staff agree it should have the 3-A/Low 2-C rating, the profile is just taking the Hogyoku abilities on Aizen's profile and his Hogyoku amped stats and copy pasting them onto another profile, that isn't pertinent to anyone except Aizen anyway. Creating a redundant profile for the sake of "items can have profiles" doesn't seem like a good enough reason to add that page to the wiki imo.