Here is the current servant sheets and stats:
Saber: Justin Sowei (JSW)
NPs: Tsubame Gaeshi, Rho Aias, Unlimited Blade Works
Personal Skills: Clairvoyance (EX), Eyes of the Mind (False) (A), Knowledge of Respect and Harmony (B++)
Class Skills: Magic Resistance and Riding
Statistics: Strength B, Agility B, Endurance B, Mana C, Luck C, NP A+
Appearance: Saber Lancelot's body, Gile's sword
Lancer: Johan (Monarch Laciel)
NPs: First Folio, Kazikli Bey, Monte Cristo Mythologie
Class Skill is Magic Resistance
Personal Skills: Fairies Maddening, Incitement and Nega-Saver
Statistics: Strength B, Agility A, Endurance B, Mana A, Luck E, NP B
Appearance: Shakespeare's appearance with a laurel crown
Rider: Ramesses (Ramesses the Sun King)
NPs: Brhamastra, Meseket, Excalibur Galatine
Class Skills are Magic Resistance and Riding
Personal Skills: Numeral of the Saint (EX), True Eyes of the Mind (A), Affections of the Goddess
Statistics (including effects of AotG, but not NotS): Strength A, Agility B+, Endurance B, Mana C, Luck C, NP EX
Appearance: Ramesses's first ascension
Caster: (Edwellken)
NPs: Requiem for Death, Ochd Deug Odin, Prelati's Spellbook
Personal Skills: Clown's Laughter, Scream of Awe, Consumated Shape
Class Skills are Item Creation and Territory Creation
Statistics: Strength C, Agility B, Endurance C, Mana A+, Luck B, NP A+
Archer: (Redgrave)
NPs: Ea, Gae Bolg, GoB
Personal Skills: Disengage (A), Bravery (A+), Battle Continuation (EX)
Class Skills are Magic Resistance and Independent Action
Statistics: Strength C, Agility C, Endurance C, Mana B, Luck B, NP EX
DMC 4 Dante with Jin in tekken 7s jacket
Assassi: Blahssassin (Blah)
NPs: Saraswati Meltout, Zabaniya: Ichor of Reverie, G├áomì Luózh─½ J─½ng
Class Skill is Presence Concealment
Personal Skills: "Aptitude for Slaughter (tools)" (A), "Demon of the Oni Kind" (A), Alcoholic Fruit (A)
Statistics: Strength B+, Agility B, Endurance (B+), Mana C , Luck C, NP EX
Appearance: Meltlilith's body covered in a cloak. Uses Wi Zetian's weapon
Berserker: (Hizack)
NPs are Curruid Coinchenn, Armor of Fafnir, Chronos Rose
Class Skill: Mad Enhancement
Personal Skills: Protection from Arrows, Affections of the Holy Grail, Divinity
Statistics (including effects of ME): Strength A+ (EX with CC), Agility B (A++ with CR), Endurance A, Mana D, Luck C, NP B
Phase 3 Siegfried with Curruid Coinchenn equiped and super saiyan 3 hair stlye
Avenger: GodLlamaGod (LlamaGod)
NPs are Enfer Chateua D'lf, Sea of Life (Anti-City and Anti Unit function, B rank, resistable by magic resist and high mana rank, only useable by contact with water sources), Diatrehkon Aster Lonkhe
Class Skills are Avenger, Oblivion Correction, and Self Replenishment
Personal Skills: Thrice Setting Sun, Empyrean Eyes, Knight of Owner
Statistics: Strength B, Agility B (EX with ECD), Endurance C, Mana C, Luck C, NP EX
Appearance: A young Yuno Gasai