So, I've read the blog. Haven't done much apart from skimming the first few pages of this thread (Not the whole thing, obviously), so, forgive me if I missed something.
But, on the whole: I'll readily admit that, on a first reading, I did take the interpretation that the Demon World is infinitely larger than the Human World. Having read it again, though, I don't really find this interpretation very substantiated anymore. The inference itself comes from the verbiage which the text uses to describe the two worlds, "endless darkness" and "ray of light." But I don't think there is really anything to concretely say that the "ray of light" is minuscule to the darkness.
Granted I don't really agree with Deagon's reading of the text, mind you, but even then I don't think that matters too much, seeing as our standards for "Bigger than Tier 2 = Low 1-C" recently changed. I find it doubtful that this would qualify on its own.