This move has terrible pacing and the animation isn't good, but it's nowhere near as bad as the trailers suggest.
Some shit.
Vampires of Edinburg was over 20 years ago. 12 to 13 years ago, it was revived by Deathpierce and his allies (Arden and co seem to abandon him after he becomes a xenophobe, though).
Deathpierce's (DP from now on) minions are suits of armour animated by magic.
Tristan was equal to past Lancelot in base (when he had long hair), and causes him to severely bleed in Demon form.
Gowther has x-ray vision/thermal vision shit, allowing him to see injuries inside human bodies.
DP's minions that Tristan stomped with his swords and energy blasts were able to beat Giants and Faries in small groups (though they can be torn apart en masse by the same characters). They can also fire magic blasts.
DP has Red and Gray Demons captive, implying that he, his men or both could beat them.
DP uses his staff to convert his non-human captives into monsters. It also fuses the aforementioned Red and Gray Demon into a singular being with two heads.
DP's priest uses potent sorcery to down Elizabeth with a nigh-incurable curse. Tristan is able to peer into the link between Elizabeth and the priest, seeing DP's priest in Edinburgh.
It takes genuine Goddess healing (more potent than Tristan's) or Fairy medicine to break strong curses.
Gowther's Broadcast can extent from Liones Castle to the Fairy Forrest and Benwick (which is over the horizon from the Forrest), and also interact with clouds.
Tristan FC's one of the minions' energy blasts. It survives this, but is noticeably scorched before a Fairy (oost-Benwick Lancelot in disguise) has to kill it with arrows.
Tristan nulls the magic that animates DP's minions with Twinkle Star, which seems to count for Danmaku.
The Priest can make portals.
Base Tristan is far inferior, but cuts the Red-Gray Demon (specifically the Red Demon head) and survives its attack without using Goddess Magic. By using Goddess Magic, he's able to cut huge gashes into its head. He also superheats rock with his sword.
Disguised Lancelot kills a hybrid between 3 Fairies and a Blue Demon, and then one-shots the Red-Gray hybrid.