I'm not disagreeing with you when you say that they are weaker, cause they are by a pretty big margin, however we don't know how much weaker they are, yes Brandish can one shot lucy, well many people consider being 5x stronger is a one-shot, well take the feat of wall which is 27.4 Gigatons divide it by 5 and you have 5.48 Gigatons, STILL 6-C, you can be in the same tier and have a huge gap between each other, and 5x difference is a stomp, so claiming that the spriggans can easily beat these characters is not enough of a jump down, I tried to do the same, that if a character is vastly superior compared to someone who is High 7-A, with a 3x gap, then shouldn't they be 6-C, but no, I was told that's not how it works, just because they are likely 6-C, does not mean they are as strong as spriggans, however Lucy, while no, she did not damage Jacob that much, if at all (also she didn't use any of her strongest spells like Urano Metria, or Aqua Metria, all she did was physical attacks boosted by regulus power, which with Natsu damaged jacob) she did damage Brandish, and yes yes she was holding back, however she did damage someone who is 6-C, even if Brandish wasn't going for the kill, she was trying to fight, without hax, which for her is still 6-C, as well Dragon Force Wendy did damage Irene, as well when Irene was in Wendy's body, she noted that she had a lot more magic then she thought she did, and did damage to Erza, who is 6-C, the point is these caharacters are still quite a bit weaker then spriggans, however characters like Lucy, Wendy, Elfman, and Lisanna, whoo have always been comparable in strength, all have shown the power, to at some point defeat a spriggan, claiming that the Spriggans are way stronger, is not enough of an incentive to drop these, characters down another Tier
Wow that's a Mountain of Text