See the thing is, there is a big misconception that Zeref with Fairy Heart isn't comparable to Dragon Acnologia, but that just isn't true, for one, he said he can't beat Acnologia at all in his base form, not in his Fairy Heart Form, August and Irene, two of the most intelligent and strong Mages in the verse claim, with Fairy Heart, Zeref might Surpass Acnologia, they are likely comparable, and people say, well if Zeref is as strong as or comparable to Fairy Heart Zeref, why didn't he want to immediately go after Acnologia the second he got his power, and the answer is, Zeref wanted to Reset the Timeline, defeating Acnologia in present time would mean nothing to him, since he would just undo it all later, the only reason he stayed and fought Natsu is because he wanted to end things with him and it was likely the Curse of Contradiction, there is nothing stating that Dragon Acnologia is out of Fairy Heart Zeref's League, that's just what some people believe is the case, due to Natsu beating Zeref pretty easily