Going through GT for various haxes, resistances, and feats is interesting, because there's just tons of stuff I don't remember ever happening that I find and just kind of go, "Huh." A good example is it's established in Episode 17 that
Goku's power, (while unconscious) is simply impossible to calculate. This also isn't a "oooo malfunction" or "SCOUTER BREAK!" due to battle power too. They outright state the machine is working fine and there's no errors. Goku's power simply just
isn't calculable. Due to this, Rildo and Mega Cannon Sigma have to utilize Giru's accumulated data across the
entire series so far to determine how to beat Goku. It's then stated in Episode 18 that Goku's power (When
serious in base) exceeds "all previous data." Which would include Goku as a SSJ against Ledgic, the fight with Luud, etc. Meaning that between those episodes he just got 50x stronger? Bare minimum. This is something they confirm again, because when Goku was "
losing" (holding back and they were fighting at Goku's estimated max capacity) Rildo considered the
information incredibly accurate despite the fact he was also aware of SSJ (which he establishes when he sees Goku go SSJ and he goes Hyper Meta). Crazy.