I thought I commented on this thread before, but I guess I didn’t. The Dovahkiin is nowhere near as big as a smurf as people are making out. He only has low 1-C power absorption and high 1-B BFR (but the BFR only last a couple seconds in game and there isn’t any lore contradicting that). None of the daedric artifacts nor god artifacts are smurf abilities, the Eternal Champion wields plenty of them when he’s a 8-B.
Meanwhile, last I checked, majority of the player’s abilities are low 1-C so he’s an actual smurf. Even if they aren’t a smurf they have the ap advantage in the thousands and all their powers are hilariously above the Dovahkiin’s resistances (unless it revolves time manipulation) so the player thinks and the Dovahkiin is annihilated. Can we stop putting the Dovahkiin against massive smurfs, completely ignoring how his artifacts don’t scale in anyway to the daedric princes (unless they are using them, but Sheogorath literally turned a normal stick into a daedric artifact, so the artifacts only scale to daedric princes because the princes want them too), and the Dovahkiin’s power absorption requires him to pull out a cumbersome staff vs most snurfs or even people comparable to the Dovahkiin just thinking or pointing them dead.
Should point out the Dovahkiin canonically had great difficulty defeating the Ebony Warrior, despite the Ebony Warrior being entirely ap based, and the Dovahkiin was stomped by Miraak through pure ap. The Dovahkiin isn’t a unstoppable smurf and the Player has the ap advantage in the literal thousands, this goes exactly how the Dovahkiin’s first ‘fight’ with Miraak went. The player sees the Dovahkiin, points, and the Dovahkiin is ash.
Also I know this comment is somewhat late, but I’ve had test and final exams for the last couple of weeks so I was busy. If this was too late to comment this I apologize for any inconvenience. Also it is late where I live and I’m having trouble sleeping so if this post comes off as aggressive in anyway I’m sorry, I know people say don’t comment on sites when your tired, but I thought I already commented on this thread, and since I actually forgot to do that I want to correct that mistake.