*Both are anyhropomorphic. Wolf-themed interpretations of the Grim Reaper and aspects of the concept of death, specifically the act of dying itself, they are not the ones who directly cause one to die, they are simply the effect of it.
*Despite this, they hold respect for those at the end of their lives to allow those on the brink a choice of a final fight, and can be beaten in battle, though never at the end of the opponent's life.
*They each have ethereal four-part music cues that herald their arrival:
*They wield weapons not normally used by the Grim Reaper (a bow and two sickles) but are no less than master combatants.
*On top of the wolf connection, Kindred is also in part a sheep/lamb, fitting in with Death's fairy tale influence given the connections sheep and wolves have shared in western cultures, myths and tales for so many centuries.
<s>And funnily enough yeah one of their connections is they became furry art icons overnight</s>