Overall, Typhon’s real advantage here is that he’s actually kinda fleshed out a little, compared to Surtr who’s basically just a big fiery blank slate of a character. People really just latch on to mythology matchups based entirely on “vibes” without considering if characters are like… actually workable at all for versus. And when it comes to mythology, you’d be both surprised and disappointed by how many gods and monsters don’t fit the bill. But that’s not to rain on anybody’s parade. Like what you like, I don’t really care.
I’m not really interested in doing any more mythology matchups, which I’m sure may be disappointing to people who enjoyed this blog and my Zeus VS Odin one, but honestly I think people overestimate how much you can really scrounge up for any given character. If I do dip back into mythology, it’ll probably be for a general “Egyptian mythology overview” blog, as I feel that could probably use a deep dive.