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Continuation of this thread and this thread, due to several things, was only able to do this thread now
Now that the afterlife is considered only "Likely" Universal in size and Toei is no longer part of the canon multiverse, this thread was is now made to update the ratings of Tier and Speed to reflect the consequences of such
Recalc accepted here is the blog with the new values https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:Omegabronic/DBS_Conservative_Speed_Multipliers_Recalc_edition
Forget this, will be kept as is on the pages, will change it back when i get to my PC
Everyone that scales directly from the BoG feat goes back to 3-A, now with a likely 2-C, since the afterlife is "likely" a Universal Space Time, the feat in BoG goes back to what it was before the 2-C ratings, as such the characters also go back to Low 2-C via infinite Zamasu scaling in the ToP
So more or less like this, only by the UI and Jiren like characters being full 2-C
Everyone that scales to a GoD scales fully to 2-C (2, likely 4 universes)
Edit:forget the above, DBS Anime stays as is, DBS Manga is the only one to change
Since the one scene that was the contradiction for the Afterlife being Universal in size was DBS Anime continuity exclussive, the DBS Manga will continue to be 2-C all around, scaling to 2 Universes
Edit: DBZ Kai being made canon doesn't change the main contradiction to the universe sized afterlife from last thread, that being the Super Shenron Scene of the U6vU7 tournament arc not showing the afterlife as the upper half of U7 when we get shots of it from the outside, which also contradicts the model used to explain the Afterlife as said upperhalf
So the facts that made the earlier conclusion happen did not change at all, thus not mattering for this thread's purpose
for the Hypertimeline blog, all it will need to be done is the full removal of all Toei elements from it, i have been told that the Hypertimeline is still valid even without them, as such i am not going to question nor try to change it here, if one thinks otherwise another thread for it should be done as this one is not the place for it
Since this thread is only applying accepted stuff, it should be simple and quick
Edit: it wasn't given my lack of information on previous accepted stuff, i hereby give my apology to @TheGodOfICE777 and @Killerdrone123 , as well as my thanks for clearing my mess
That said, we can now finally procceed
Now that the afterlife is considered only "Likely" Universal in size and Toei is no longer part of the canon multiverse, this thread was is now made to update the ratings of Tier and Speed to reflect the consequences of such
Forget this, will be kept as is on the pages, will change it back when i get to my PC
So more or less like this, only by the UI and Jiren like characters being full 2-C
Everyone that scales to a GoD scales fully to 2-C (2, likely 4 universes)
Edit:forget the above, DBS Anime stays as is, DBS Manga is the only one to change
Since the one scene that was the contradiction for the Afterlife being Universal in size was DBS Anime continuity exclussive, the DBS Manga will continue to be 2-C all around, scaling to 2 Universes
So the facts that made the earlier conclusion happen did not change at all, thus not mattering for this thread's purpose
Other stuff
Also of course, all the linking to the cosmology blogs that involve Toei exclussive stuff in the character and verse pages of the main canon material, such as this and this one should obviously be removed as they are no longer accepted as canon materialfor the Hypertimeline blog, all it will need to be done is the full removal of all Toei elements from it, i have been told that the Hypertimeline is still valid even without them, as such i am not going to question nor try to change it here, if one thinks otherwise another thread for it should be done as this one is not the place for it
Since this thread is only applying accepted stuff, it should be simple and quick
Edit: it wasn't given my lack of information on previous accepted stuff, i hereby give my apology to @TheGodOfICE777 and @Killerdrone123 , as well as my thanks for clearing my mess
That said, we can now finally procceed
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