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A definitely not so controversial Dragon ball toei upgrade

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Well hello fellow wankers in this thread I am going to cover a very heavily debatable and controversial topic which is afterlife in dragon ball being higher dimensional so without further yapping lettuce begin.

Afterlife Higher dimensional nature

So firstly we have this infamous afterlife scan from daizenshu 4,page 16

Alternate translation from wiki translator :

(天よりも高く人間界からは い知ることができない次元を超越した天の国神々はこの地から世界のすべてを見おろしている Ten yori mo takaku ningen-kai kara wa i shiru koto ga dekinai jigen o chōetsu-shīta ten no kuni, kamigami wa kono ji kara-sekai no subete o mioroshite iru)


"Soaring higher than heavens

A world that transcends the dimensions and understanding of the human world.

From here, the gods watch over the realm"

So as mentioned in the above scan it appears afterlife is a higher dimensional structure compared to the mortal universe or living universe as it transcends it further proven by the fact how mortals can't perceive it making it 5d(4 spatial + 1 temporal) structure as it is transcends mortal universe which is 4d(3 spatial + 1 temporal dimension)

Proving significance in the 4th spatial axis

Now that's not all there is this one particular thing which might prove afterlife significance and superiority as a higher dimension.

Afterlife contains a place called heaven which was said to be as wide/big as the living universe both in guides and tv anime.

It is already accepted that living universe is infinite which would make heaven infinite to.Now afterlife not only contains heaven but it is so big that heaven completely disappears in its vastness which can be proven by the fact that heaven is placed above the snakeway and king Kai planet in the official macrocosm map yet when we get to see overall top view from the snakeway in episode 12 of dbz we don't see heaven an infinite universal structure at all

Same was seen when Goku first visited king Kai in episode 18 and when he looks above we don't get to see heaven at all again.So the above context makes it very clear that afterlife is infinitely vast compared to heaven that is infinite in size to the point that heaven appears non existent in it’s space thus making afterlife infinitely bigger compared to heaven that is infinite and is of same size of the living universe proving it's superiority over it.

Counter arguments

“Doesn't the scan uses the word transcendental and it could also be talking about afterlife having spiritual transcendence rather than a dimensional one”

The first thing I like to clear is no the scan doesn't say it is transcendental since the kanji used in the scan is "超越した" (Chouetsushita) which translates to it transcending or being transcendent rather than transcendental which is described by the kanji “超越的" (Chouetsuteki).

There is also the fact that transcendental meaning is restricted to the form of an adjective. Japanese follows an SOV Structure when forming sentences, meaning the Subject comes first, then the Object, then the Verb, whilst the adjective comes before the noun like in English. Here, 超越 comes after the noun that it's in reference to, that being 次元 (Jigen), meaning that that 超越 here isn't an adjective, but rather a verb.

Now for the next part of the argument people argue that the scan refers to spiritual transcendence but this is completely disapproved by the fact the terminology used in the scan is 次元を超越した天の国 (jigen o chōetsu shita ten no kuni) seems to emphasize the fact that it is speaking transcendence in the mathematical sense not to mention the fact that choetsu/transcend is used as a verb here rather than adjective so it talking about spiritual wouldn't fit as a verb with the terminology used in the scan.

“It simply speaks how afterlife is above living universe in sense of cosmological location”

While it is indeed true that afterlife is above living universe but the term used in the scan is “超越” (choetsu) which doesn't mean being over something in location but rather exceeding or surpassing something i.e transcending so the scan refering to afterlife being over living universe wouldn't make sense as they use completely different terminology.


So to summarise everything toei afterlife should be upgraded to 5d(4 spatial + 1 temporal)/low 1c for dragon ball toei as it transcends the dimensions of mortal universe and it also contains heavens which is infinite in size and appears to be infinitely bigger than it proving it's superiority compared to a 3d structure.

Agree:AwkguyDB,McFriesGuy075,Hasty12345(agrees with u7 being low 1c),CelestialVortex01,ProfectusInfinity,RigelBR7,AyeZ2,Ednaxel2,Darkmon_cns,TheGreatBanana,DivineAura44,Ebihara,RenderGK,GarrixianXD,@heTenno07,MasqueTLDF,Da3ggman,LordDestroit10K,JJSliderman,Wankbreaker,Dagoth_OwO,Kroneii1,ReaperAndBlues,XXBenShapiroXx,The_2nd_Existential_Seed,Vietthai96,Ottavio_Merluzzo,TiltedFN,Robo432343

Neutral: Eseseso

Disagree: DarkDragonMedeus,PrinceofPein,TheUnshakableOne,Compsito,Sebas-S.P-san
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You guys are at the 1 yard line thinking about your TD celebrations

This is not Sonic we ain't gonna be eating here
I agree with an asterisk.

Iirc the afterlife was also stated to not have time(?? IDR if that’s in toei or manga only). Assuming my memory isn’t failing me, I agree the afterlife has a higher spatial dimension but disagree it’s 5D.

(essentially I’m saying U7 as a whole os low 1-C but the afterlife on its own is 4 spatial dimensions)
I agree with an asterisk.

Iirc the afterlife was also stated to not have time(?? IDR if that’s in toei or manga only). Assuming my memory isn’t failing me, I agree the afterlife has a higher spatial dimension but disagree it’s 5D.

(essentially I’m saying U7 as a whole os low 1-C but the afterlife on its own is 4 spatial dimensions)
Time is "different" this was used to prove they have separate space times, so yes it still has time it's just somehow fundamentally different from time in the living world
I agree with an asterisk.

Iirc the afterlife was also stated to not have time(?? IDR if that’s in toei or manga only). Assuming my memory isn’t failing me, I agree the afterlife has a higher spatial dimension but disagree it’s 5D.

(essentially I’m saying U7 as a whole os low 1-C but the afterlife on its own is 4 spatial dimensions)
I mean what OP argues is essentially same

Afterlife will be 4D (if this passes) then with temporal dimension toei macrocosm will become 5D
I mean what OP argues is essentially same

Afterlife will be 4D (if this passes) then with temporal dimension toei macrocosm will become 5D
The outcome is subtly different as to be 5D you’d have to affect all of U7 not just the afterlife.
it is 4 spatial dimensions, and even if it was 2 temporal dimensions according to you, it still Low 1-C cause 2 temporal + 3 spatial make it 5
I think you misunderstood. They never said it wasn't 4 spatial dimensions. They said it would make more sense if it was with 2 temporal dimensions. I also think DDM knows how to do math.
It would have made sense of there were 2 temporal dimensions as opposed to 4 spatial dimensions, but I do not think this qualifies for Low 1-C.
Can I know what's your reason behind the disagreement especially your stance on afterlife scan cause it would be 4 spatial + 1 temporal dimension for the entire u7 making it low 1c regardless not to mention afterlife also has time since it having no time gets contradicted by the events in saiyan saga
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Extra spatial dimensions aren't assumed to be quantitatively superior in nature unlike extratemporal dimensions. The OP is listing this as 4 spatial dimensions + 1 temporal dimension, which would be 5D, but not really assumed Low 1-C by default. Had it been 2 temporal dimensions and 3 spatial dimensions, it would have been Low 1-C easy though. But I am not seeing that.
Extra spatial dimensions aren't assumed to be quantitatively superior in nature unlike extratemporal dimensions. The OP is listing this as 4 spatial dimensions + 1 temporal dimension, which would be 5D, but not really assumed Low 1-C by default. Had it been 2 temporal dimensions and 3 spatial dimensions, it would have been Low 1-C easy though. But I am not seeing that.
Yeah that's why I explained how it's 4th spatial axis would be quantitatively superior compared to a 3rd spatial axis since it can contain heaven an infinite 3d universe to the point that it completely disappeares in its vastness this means afterlife is infinitely bigger/has infinite volume in its 4th axis in order to contain an infinite 3d space to the point that it becomes non existent and can't be seen
Yeah that's why I explained how it's 4th spatial axis would be quantitatively superior compared to a 3rd spatial axis since it can contain heaven an infinite 3d universe to the point that it completely disappeares in its vastness this means afterlife is infinitely bigger/has infinite volume in its 4th axis in order to contain an infinite 3d space to the point that it becomes non existent and can't be seen
I can say I agree I'm pretty sure this is completely right
I'm going to refuse to let my bias blind me about this specific topic. So, I'll wait for more knowledgeable members before commenting my thoughts
As far as I can tell it's sound, only situation in which an additional spatial dimension isn't high higher D is if it's not infifnte in size and heaven's own infinte size dose indeed prove the 4th dimension is itself infinite. (As opposed to just a few light years or something)

Herms provides an alternative translation to the whole trancends dimensions thing.

His translation just says the afterlife is dimensionally trancendental. Which from my research, means an object is bigger on the inside, than it looks from the outside (Like Dr Whos Tardis phonebox)

At most it would prove that the afterlife is a higher dimension than 3 dimensions to fit an infinite 3D Planet within it.


Herms provides an alternative translation to the whole trancends dimensions thing.

His translation just says the afterlife is dimensionally trancendental. Which from my research, means an object is bigger on the inside, than it looks from the outside (Like Dr Whos Tardis phonebox)

At most it would prove that the afterlife is a higher dimension than 3 dimensions to fit an infinite 3D Planet within it.

Check the first point of the counter arguments I have already covered the transcendental part
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