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Okay, as many in the Dragon Ball DIscussion Board know, I took upon myself the task of reworking the GT Goku profile.

In the midst of that, I went through a lot of stuff to really get this nailed down, so here goes.

As already accepted in a previous thread, all of the Toei Films are canon. I made a blog for this that can be viewed more thoroughly here.

As such, my Profile for GT Goku reflects this. Any disagreements over the canoncity of the Toei Films would be irrelevant/derailing and should be handled in another thread, because again, it was already accepted.

Because I knew that GT scaling is funky and would have to be handled, I also went out of my way to chronicle the wacky scaling of the series.

In short, my goals for this thread are getting this profile accepted and getting this scaling chain accepted for the GT side of the Toei Anime. Of course, adjustments will be made as needed, so feel free to levy any criticism you feel to be accurate. Let the show begin.

EDIT: Remodeled Scaling List.

Agree: TheTenno07, AwkguyDB, MasqueTLDF, GrayCraft_Dragon, CelestialVortex01, LephyrTheRevanchist, Ruphas_Mafahl123, VinnyXD, RenderGK, Hasty12345, Nierre, Peter1129, and DarkDragonMedeus (questions the scaling), Sir_Ovens (unsure on scaling), Planck69.


Eden_Warlock (Neutral to Scaling).
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There wouldn't be too significant a difference. Kid GT Goku is only moderately weaker than Adult GT Goku. The main limits are on his stamina, teleportation range, etc. Which he overcomes by getting his tail and SSJ4. There's also his final key, which is where he's an Adult and has access to everything. If you want the hyperspecific adult Goku Pre-GT, then that's also just End of Toei-Z Goku, (but stronger), which Ednaxel and I are gonna be working on doing as a separate thing.
I mean. We could. But you'd still be missing SSJ2, Golden Oozaru, and FPSSJ4/SFPSSJ4 Goku renders either way, so it'd still look weird.
Updated the OP to account for the votes (I think) were made.

(Unfortunately likes don’t count as Votes for threads because I’d have it MADE-)
I always wondered if Goku was talking about Buuhan or Kid Buu when he sensed Rildo's ki
Goku doesn’t specify by name, but it’s likely he’s referring to Kid Buu. That was the last Buu he personally fought, and the strongest Buu. It’s also the only Buu that is actually Buu, as he acknowledges Super Buu’s evolutions aren’t Buu’s “real strength” in the Anime, gained by stealing from others. (Like he does in the Manga, but more extensive due to the Vegito fight).

It also has to be noted that the only time Goku got a full understanding of Buu’s power is went he went all out against Goku as Kid Buu, as Fat Buu and Goku were both holding back, Super Buu was suppressing himself until they fought as Vegito, (who only got to the full depths of his power when he pulled off the 2-C feat), and Goku only fought the “real” Super Buu during the Inside Buu filler, which isn’t a good estimation.

Especially when you consider Buu’s Ki has an enigmatic quality that makes it impossible to read beyond the actual effort he puts in a fight. Meaning his only accurate two measures of Buu’s power is literally the Buuhan feat (which is disqualified from being “Buu’s real power,” as mentioned before), and Kid Buu going all out.

It’s also just textbook exposition taken from the previous arcs of Dragon Ball, where they use a previous antagonist(‘s peak, ala Roshi and Daimao Piccolo, Saibaman and Raditz, 100% Frieza compared to Mecha Frieza, to then compare to the Androids, etc.) to use as a ruler. Treating it any differently just doesn’t make too much sense.

Lastly…It really matters very little. Goku in Toei scales above Buuhan via the Inside Buu Filler and fighting Kid Buu, who in the Anime is stronger, and they upscale from the same feat. They’re almost interchangeable and give the same tier. The only difference is in how much they quantifiably upscale from their 2-C feat.
It’s also just textbook exposition taken from the previous arcs of Dragon Ball, where they use a previous antagonist(‘s peak, ala Roshi and Daimao Piccolo, Saibaman and Raditz, 100% Frieza compared to Mecha Frieza, to then compare to the Androids, etc.) to use as a ruler. Treating it any differently just doesn’t make too much sense.

Lastly…It really matters very little. Goku in Toei scales above Buuhan via the Inside Buu Filler and fighting Kid Buu, who in the Anime is stronger, and they upscale from the same feat. They’re almost interchangeable and give the same tier. The only difference is in how much they quantifiably upscale from their 2-C feat.
Yeah I agree with this, thanks for taking your time.
Btw, base GT Goku is a Monster lol
I can’t help but notice that all of the stat justifications are missing references when it should have them.
Like, literal episode references or just more scans?
reference to the episode

Edit: Honestly both. but at the very least there should be references for the episodes, so people can actually see where your justifications are coming from
It's definitely an upgrade, it could be improved a bit aesthetically tho (Adding the current GT Goku's profile image layout, replacing the low res renders, listing the Ki related power as a sub-power of Ki Manipulation, using anime scans instead of manga scans, adding references, etc.)

Have to say that I still don't really agree with starting with BoGT Goku for the scaling chain.
Goku stating "The universe sure is a big place huh? His ki is even stronger than Buu's" sorta sets a limiter for the prior villains, that they had yet to surpass Kid Buu.
So, I think the Ledgic and Luud encounters can be excused as just Goku holding back.

Afterall, we are aware that BoGT Goku was still considered the strongest on Earth. And the Goten comments "I'd estimate you at being about above average," and "You wouldn't of been able to beat my dad anyway." sorta indicate that BoGT Goku was already >Baby, anyway.
It's definitely an upgrade, it could be improved a bit aesthetically tho (Adding the current GT Goku's profile image layout, replacing the low res renders, listing the Ki related power as a sub-power of Ki Manipulation, using anime scans instead of manga scans, adding references, etc.)

Have to say that I still don't really agree with starting with BoGT Goku for the scaling chain.
Goku stating "The universe sure is a big place huh? His ki is even stronger than Buu's" sorta sets a limiter for the prior villains, that they had yet to surpass Kid Buu.
So, I think the Ledgic and Luud encounters can be excused as just Goku holding back.
I believe we argued on this before in the Discussion Thread. Last time (and this time) I’m going to point out again that it was explicitly stated and shown Ledgic was stronger than his base form, so it’s not that he was just sandbagging. Furthermore, against Luud it’s stated explicitly in the Perfect Files Level 3 Luud > (Base) Goku. Goku also literally just gives up fighting Luud due to how much he has over Goku. He wouldn’t give up if he can just power up to full power and win.
Pretty sure the Perfect Files also place Luud as >Rilldo (Or was it Baby? I don't recall). So take of that what you will.
This profile is amazingly done and probably my favourite dragon ball profile if I’m being honest. There’s only one minor formatting thing I noticed, in the keys one of the separators are boldfaced whilst the others aren’t.

Aside from that, near perfect. I strongly agree.
This profile is amazingly done and probably my favourite dragon ball profile if I’m being honest. There’s only one minor formatting thing I noticed, in the keys one of the separators are boldfaced whilst the others aren’t.
Thanks! However, this lead to a funny moment (for me).

Reads this. "Oh, that's easy." "Fixes" it.

Small pause.

Stares. (...)

Realizes I had it wrong and that they're ALL supposed to Bold, and I just forgot to finish going over the Sandbox.


Spends two minutes fixing it-fixing it.
Aside from that, near perfect. I strongly agree.
I'm currently trying to do the references for the AP section, so the Sandbox be changing a bit.
One minor thing I noticed is that in the Tier Section for the first key, you have 2-C, higher with Saiyan Transformations and Dragon Fist. But then when you go down to the AP section (of the first key), there's no mention of the Dragon Fist
Also pretty much all of your "|"'s are bold when they shouldn't be. Minor formatting issue
Also, off-topic but "Further, Pan is strong enough to hurt Base Rildo whilst he's on guard, and Goku vastly upscales Pan's level of power. So it's very consistent."

It's insane how Pan was able to kick him off his feet. An opponent thats stronger than Boo lmao. She may be a damsel in distress in GT, but put her in any other verse and she'll clear 😭
Yeah, Pan just literally thwacks him right after they establish he's greater than even Buu. (Unfortunately for her, when she tries again Rildo smacks her back, having clearly had enough of her antics and focusing on Goku.) The fact she could do it when he was at that level in the first place is insane, though. Like, legitimately bonkers.
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