"Sure I guess I can go next." She said shaking off her current thoughts, "When it comes to elemental magic I'm skilled in electricity and ice. electricity is used as a ranged attack and is mixed into my swordplay. As for my ice it can also be used for projectiles and plenty of other constructs. Putting up walls to manipulate terrain, coating the ground to impede movement, sharp icicles to attack and plenty more uses for it.
As for my other abilities there's my gravity magic. With that I can modify the strength and directing that gravity pulls me. I can preform a kind of flight, increase my speed in a certain direction, change direction on a dime and a few other neat tricks. I'm working on being able to apply it to other people or objects, I should have that down soon.
Last magic I've got right now is a short range teleportation spell. I use it pretty quickly in succession so it's great for mobility in battle.
Overall I suppose that's how I'd described my style, mobile. My speed is top notch and I've got plenty of ways to get around. combine that with my skills and instincts and I can be pretty difficult to pin down. I specialize in close range combat but have a good few options at range as well." She explained as best as she could.