Storm calculation?
Priority: 3
Verse: Storm/Marvel http://***************.to/Comic/Storm/Issue-4?id=15060#2
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feat:While learning of Logan death, She created a solar wind around the planet. She stated if she did stop she would ablaze the atmosphere which would probaly mean the rest of earth too.
Priority: 3
Verse: Storm/Marvel
feat:Here she creates a 12 gale force solar wind to push back a Sentinal backed by the full powered of the Sun.
Second Image
Verse: Storm/Marvel
feat:All of the X-men from X-men Xtreme at full power try to stop Khan. Keep in mind Storm is using her bio lightning which weaker than the natural one she uses. She is also weak and her nervous system is messed up and was hospitalized.
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Priority: 3
Verse:Storm/Marvel feat:Here Storm summoned the full power of the Galactic core to kill the brood inside her. Which is millions of stars that she relied on.
Thus leaving her in bad condition, but she did survive. Keep in mind that Storm is Amped in space and is a high level energy manipulator/absorber.
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feat:Here she was able to heal an entire dimension with her powers she channeled. Remember She is a high end energy manipulator and can use any source to power. She is able to control the energies behind the weather, magic, and more and also channel it through her body.
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Feat:When fighting Phoenix Echo Rachel Grey, who is being controled by ailen tried to enter storm mind. Her powers went pyscho and created winds that sculpted the planet when it was young.
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Feat:She was able to tank an attack from Siena Blaze via winds. Siena Blaze has the power to distort the Earth EM fields. She borrows power from the EM field causing use sections of it to be ripped out and causing an explosion somewhere on the planet. If Siena blaze keep using her powers, she would split the Earth like a Melon. Xavier used his tp to make her tire out all of her power. Storm using her winds was able to contain the blast and cyclops was only used to stop any energy getting out, so it would be not lethal.
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