"Curiously, their different motives led them to the same goal: to separate the current world. There would be a reishi world, a kishi world, and also a sand paradise that would be the destination of the Hollows both worlds produced. Or, alternatively, other forms of worlds might come to being, but what was most important was to have worlds with a clear distinction between life and death.
In order to make the separation of the three realms reality, they required the power of the man who had transcended everything."
“Indeed. Others such as myself, with special abilities, had appeared, but the Reio was exceptional. It may even be said he had a power that was close to being almighty, omniscient and omnipotent.”
Tokinada sent that flying back using a morning-star-shaped zanpaku-to—Gegetsuburi—and replied to Hisagi’s yell. “The Reio was a sacrificial goat. However, he did possess powers that were the equivalent of a god’s.”
I can only think about those rn