......... bro. That what I just said in that paragraph. Imagine calling someone’s point irrelevant and then repeating that same irrelevant point back at them.
This is what you said:
Because he is talking about how they need to be nerfed when they come to WotL. Its right there in the scan.
This is what I said:
Renji was also talking about how they need to prevent excessive influence on the souls in the WoTL.
The two quotes are different in that you conveniently didn't mention that the term WoTL was used by Renji to refer to the location occupied by spirits. You only mentioned that they need to be nerfed but not the reason for it.
Why does it matter? The only thing you have brought up is that saying WotL doesn’t help my point of WotL = dimension (it does because WotL is the name of the dimension)
You are the one trying to claim it doesn't matter. But you haven't provided any reason for it.
The only thing you have brought up is that saying WotL doesn’t help my point of WotL = dimension (it does because WotL is the name of the dimension)
Not necessarily in every case. You haven't proven that. There are examples of WoTL being used to refer to the realm such as when Toshiro is explaining it to Ichigo, but just because it has been used that way doesn't mean it can
only ever be used that way. That would be the Proof by Example Fallacy.
but you won’t even bring up how it doesn’t even support your own stance of WotL = planet in your own head canon interpretation anymore than it does mine.
It supports my point because Renji used the term WoTL to specifically refer to the place where all the spirits are, which is Earth as there is
no reason to assume otherwise based on what the manga has shown us.
You are pointlessly coming back to this when it doesn’t matter in the slightest
I've already explained above why it supports my point that the term WoTL was used by Renji in that instance to refer to the planet.
What Renji said is the name of the dimension and if you want to say it can also be the name of the planet, go get the scan like I been asking and quit ducking your burden of proof.
The burden of proof is not on me but on you for reasons I've already pointed out which you've only baselessly denied.
Where is the scan that says planet Earth = WotL?
I already went over why Renji referring to Earth (the only place
we've been shown to have spirits in that realm) as WoTL means it can also be used to refer to the planet.
You don’t seem to be understanding that YOU are the one who made a claim that it can refer to the planet and that YOU need to prove that.
Baseless denial of your burden of proof. All I did was point out something which goes without saying based on the information in the Bleach manga. We debate with what we know. Not what we think. That is empiricism. That is why the burden of proof is on you.
We only know about spirits in the Earth realm existing on Earth. No aliens have been introduced in Bleach.
Your scepticism to spirits only being on Earth in that realm is equivalent to you
claiming that spirits exist outside of Earth in that realm, a claim which contradicts the narrative and a claim you haven't supported with anything other than saying
yOu CaN't PrOvE oThErWiSe to try to deflect the burden of proof on me.
My point represents what we know and what's consistent with the information the narrative has given us, while your scepticism respresents the cognitive dissonance you are experiencing when presented with evidence contradictory to your personal interpretation.
Once again, I still don’t have to prove jack shit because WotL is the name of the dimension, which you already agreed to.
You doubting Earth as the only place where spirits exist in that realm (a baseless scepticism of what we know as readers) is the same as making the claim that spirits exist outside of Earth in that realm. A claim which you haven't supported with anything other than scepticism of the contrary.
Also, I agreed that WoTL
can be used as the name of the realm but I never agreed that it can
only be used to refer to that and never to the planet.
Tsotso said:
Do you even know what empiricism is? Go look it up and you'll see why the burden of proof is actually on you here.
Objectively false. Souls exist in Hueco Mundo, in the Garganta, Valley of Screams, SS and Hell.
What I said and what you replied with are two things which have nothing to do with each other. Also, souls exist on Earth as well as all humans have souls.
Anyone can just say “the series is my evidence” but that doesn’t mean anything.
In this case it does, as the series doesn't contain any information contradicting or disputing my point. All you've put up is baseless scepticism that goes against empiricism.
I could say sun is rainbow coloured cotton candy with a chocolate filling and that nature is my evidence but it doesn’t mean anything as that is an enormous amount of data that I “presented” that has nothing to do with my actual stance.
Pointless analogy that has nothing to do with my point and just shows you've misunderstood it. The series has only shown spirits existing on Earth in that realm. There is nothing in the series which could be used to dispute this. Therefore, there is no way you can make an argument against it. All you're doing is being a sceptic complaining about it not being explicitly stated that souls only exist on Earth. But without evidence to support your doubts, your argument holds no value and goes against empiricism.
Go get the scans that say souls only exist on earth (even though I already proved you wrong).
You haven't
proven anything, let alone disproved my point that spirits in the Earth realm only exist on planet Earth. Anybody can point out something which isn't 100% explicitly stated and claim it's wrong because of it. But that's not how it works. You need actual evidence which disputes a point in order to argue against it. Evidence which you haven't provided.
I don’t need to prove anything when I didn’t make a claim about that.
You did. Being baselessly sceptical about a point which isn't contradicted by anything and is the most consistent with what we know is the same as claiming it isn't true.
I said you need to prove your claim which you refuse to do so I can dismiss it without evidence.
No, you can't. I've already explained why and your responses concerning that have only been things like "
No, you're wrong." and "
You were the one who said it first so the burden of proof is on you" which don't mean anything as scepticism isn't evidence and in this case you denying my point is equivalent to you claiming the opposite.
Prove your interpretation is even a valid one like I have been asking you to do for the past day.
It's valid because it's the only interpretation the series has shown as. We haven't seen aliens in Bleach in the Earth realm, so baselessly doubting my point like you are doing doesn't hold any objective value.
Sigh. That isn’t me admitting anything, that’s me saying that even if WotL = planet is a valid interpretation, Renji saying what he did doesn’t help or go against my point anymore than it does yours because it doesn’t matter as to whether he is referring to a planet or a dimension
It goes against your point because it doesn't make sense for Renji to refer to the planet with a term which can only refer to the entire universe (according to you, that is). He was referring to the place with all the spirits in the realm which is Earth, something you've been unable to provide disputing evidence for and have been instead trying to deflect your burden of proof while acting like baseless scepticism is an argument.
when the terminology he used in that sentence is the name of the dimension
Stating your personal interpretation as if it's a fact doesn't help you in actually proving it.
something that you have already agreed to.
I'm saying this once again, I've agreed that it can be used to refer to
both the realm
and the planet. But in Renji's instance it refers to the planet for reasons which you haven't debunked with actual evidence.
You need to go and prove that it is referring to the planet.
I've already explained why I don't need someone to explicitly state
"When I say World of the Living, I mean the planet" or "
All spirits in the realm of the World of the Living are on Earth" in order for my point to be true. Because of empiricism, Renji using the term in reference to the planet is the only objective conclusion we can draw based on the information available to us in the manga, which hasn't indicated that there are spirits outside of Earth in that realm.
That potential only exists if you can objectively prove that WotL is a name for the planet
See the point above.
“world” should somehow be taken on its own rather than part of the collective and disprove my example that using “in” in this situation is grammatically incorrect if it refers to a planet.
You've already agreed that
in the world can be equivalent to
on the planet. Here's the quote:
I said “in the world” can refer to on the planet
Literally everything you keep trying to argue doesn’t matter until you can prove that WotL refers to the planet when it has only referred to the dimension.
I've already explained why, due to the complete lack of actual evidence that contradicts it, Renji's statement uses the term WoTL to refer to the Earth as he uses the term to refer to where all spirits are, which is Earth due to empiricism and the series only showing us spirits on the planet in that realm.
Also, could you chill out?
Are you actually mentally ill?
You are an honest to god clown.
mouth breathing neck beard
Because I'm not going to engage in a debate with someone who resorts to insults whenever things aren't going his way.