I am also against this considering Reppu and Matt brought up convincing agruements as to why Arceus doesn't even have full control of the concepts it birthed as well the lack of showings for many of the things stated in this thread and it's profile.
Also they are more clear disagreements than agreements and even if I miscounted there are still more admins and knowledgeable members against this than there are for it.
For it:
The real cal howard, ProfessorKukui4Life, EliminatorVenom,Vegan Gains, DerpCity, LephyrTheRevanchist, Dino Ranger Black, Kevyn Souza, Zexgen.
Against it:
LordXcano, Reppuzan, Saikou The Lewd King, DontTalk, XBlackExcellenceX, Cropfist,The Everlasting, Promestein, Matthew Schroeder, Antvasima, Sage God Slayer.