Someone can delete this comment if it isn't allowed. At this point, I don't know. Everyone just seems to be replying to this board. But, I would like to ask something, but in a moment;
@DontTalkDT "
A timeline is then (RxRxR)xR i.e. space x time.
Now, for multiple timelines, we need to operate in a 5-dimensional space. In the 5th dimension, they would all lay beside each other. Let's say we have 12 timelines, with their positions in the 5th dimensions being 1,2,3,4,..., 12. {1,2,3,4,...,12} is the set of those positions.
The multiverse consisting of 12 timelines would then be described by {1,2,3,4,...,12}x(RxRxR)xR.
In other words the cartesian product of the locations of each timeline, with one timeline."
I'm going to assume you're meaning timeline = Space-Time continuum in this comment. In this example, your cartesian product for {1,2,3,4,...,12}x(RxRxR)xR. is only talking about the
content within this 5-D plane where the Universes are setting across. Which would be essentially null if you destroyed just this part for talking about a 5-D dimension. What's being talked about is the (RxRxRxR)xR of the entire 'timeline' in its entirety, not its contents. This is because it's working with 3 spatial dimensions, with 2 temporal dimensions. (The second temporal dimension is the reason why it houses multiple discrete Space-Times, and why they all seem to duplicate whenever you time-travel) This in its entirety would be destroyed in the example, so it should be Low 1-C.
but the 4th one. (Which is really just arbitrary numbering)
So the multiverse is {1,2,3,4,..,12}x(RxRxR), in other words, a universe for each of the 12 positions.
Now let's make a timeline out of that. How do we do that? We again multiply (take the cartesian product) with the time axis. The same way we previously went from universe to timeline. The time axis is again modelled as R.
What we get is Rx{1,2,3,4,...,12}x(RxRxR)"
Yes, this would just be rotating the original axis around. But this is entirely separate of a question. In this example, reality in its entirety is just described by Rx{1,2,3,4,...,12}x(RxRxR) because it's not working under a secondary spatial dimension; R, where the first one was. So, you're describing two entirely different things when we say it completely destroyed these two 'worlds' in its entirety.
"I have no idea how you guys arrived at the conclusion that universes/realms are 4D in any way other than their space
and time together being 4D. And if what is meant as being 4D is the spacetimes of the realms being 4D, then the timeline is still only a multiverse by my explanation above."
This is a bit of a different topic. The timeline in this case is being argued from the 12 Universes, and not necessarily the 'Universe' in Dragon ball for its entirety. Which, I personally take an agnostic position on. I guess that's just a question for the OP, but still not that important to the main argument at hand.
@SamanPatou The main evidence that I would say is that IT doesn't work for traveling to other Universes, but it's quite capable of going to other spatially disconnected places. The HBTC is the only exception to this, and that's because it has a separate Space-Time. (Zamasu is arguing differently, he's saying it's because it's just a closed off realm and that's why he can't do it. Which, it's. But, that still seems to be pretty clearly be saying it's just because of the different for Space-Time, since they're other places in the Universe that's a closed off dimension from the living Universe; The kaioshin realm in particular)
Anyways, my opinion is that it should just be 2-C. There's no indication that this '5-D' dimension would take a literal 'dimension' worth of more energy to destroy. Similarly, it's applying the standards as you would from the Ben 10 series.