Celestialsapiens are born outside the multiverse disconnected from all of time. This essentially makes the pocket dimension being outside regular time. Also he survived the destruction of annihilarg which destroyed the entire universe. This wouldn't be possible if his pocket dimension shared the same space-time as regular universe.
There is a statement from Paradox Where He said
"Albedo Turned Into Alien X and was trapped motionless for nearly a year". This wouldn't mean anything if the pocket dimension had no time in it.
Also ,Paradox cannot go in timeless void like he couldn't go in the beginning of time.
Here ,he was able to enter Alien X pocket dimension with his chrononavigator which is a GPS to the multiverse
here he released galaxy sized orbs from himself inorder to recreate the infnite universe. This essentially implies infinite 3D matter with time from the above scans.