R>F isn't quite really the same thing as uncountable infinite difference, we just assume they are, cus otherwise it's either untierable or 1-A/0.
Anyway, might as well jump in the train:
1. Discord scaling.
2. Tiktok scalers.
3. People assuming that resisting RW allows you to resist every possible Plot Manip ever.
Some person gatekeeping comic threads with arguments from incredulity.
5. People claiming "X character has Y ability/resistance layered in billions!" without giving proof or just "It was already accepted, so I'm not giving any proof nor explanations."
6. People who claim that the tiering system being based on math alone is terrible. And by consequence, people who downplay verses based on those.
7. References being obligatory
8. Immeasurable speed standards.
9. The bias against some LN verses.
10. Staff Favoritism. Example, Y breaks a rule and gets banned, while Z did the same thing but at best only a warning or just nothing.
11. Csap's math headcanons that they will take to their grave.
12. Double standards (Infinite examples from different verses could go in here)
13. Dragon Ball and Bleach don't getting the respect they deserve, either via a purposeful change of standards to not allow them, or similars.
People who make a lot of drama saying they are leaving and come back later in the same week.
15. NEP changes
16. "They reached the end of the infinite structure in a finite time so it's a contradiction, the place isn't infinite!!!!"
17. Type 4 Acausality not being treated the way it is supposed to, mostly via arbitrary conclusions.
18. "GET IN THE VC!!!!"