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death battle

  1. Robo432343

    Sonic vs Flash

    Both 2-C SBA Sonic is in his secret rings key
  2. Spinoirr

    Adam (Dragon Ball RWBY) vs Bardock (Death Battle)

    Bardock heard that some crazy grown ass man tried to manipulate, gaslight and use his own son as a weapon when he was a kid and Adam was a adult and hearing of how Adam tried to kill his son after he left the WF Rules: Bardock starts in base (7-C version) Fight takes place in Argus on Remnant...

    “We’ll Crush You” (Metal Sonic VS Metal Sonic) Death Battle VS BlastZone 0-0-0

    Metal Sonic vs Metal Sonic Speed is equalized, DB! Is in the Bowser VS Eggman Key, Both are in their Super Neo Forms, SBA for the rest. DB Metal Sonic: BZ Metal Sonic: Inconclusive:
  4. Spinoirr

    "I'll crush you!" Neo Metal Sonic vs Jukido Midoriya (Death Battle! Vs My hero Academia)

    Speed is equal Bowser VS Eggman: Neo Metal Sonic is being used Dark Hero Arc Jukido is being used Fight takes place in the mushroom kingdom Attack Potency: Jukido is 430 Teratons of TNT, far higher with acceleration comet Metal sonic is 760 Teratons of TNT Lifting Strength: Jukido is at least...

    Metal Sonic VS Aizen (BLASTZONE VS DEATH BATTLE!) 0-0-0 (NOT VIABLE)

    Metal Sonic VS Aizen Metal Sonic is in his Neo Form and Aizen is in his Fourth Fusion Form, Speed is equalized. Aizen does not have his Invisibility or Power Nullification. Metal Sonic: 0 Aizen: 0 Inconclusive: 0 The calcs I did for Aizen were proven wrong, this is not allowed anymore.
  6. Volt12121

    Yoshi fights a Koopa but they're both from Death Battle (Yoshi (DB) vs Koopa Troopa (DB))

    Ground Rules: Speed is equal Both start 5 meters apart Facts Yoshi scales to 56 Kilojoules and 7,399 Kilograms Koopa scales to 134 Kilojoules and Unknown Koopa has a 2.39x AP advantage Yoshi has an immeasurable LS advantage Dino W: 3 (Minty, Flowerguy2, Volt) Turtle W: Incon: 0

    Killua VS Avin (DEATH BATTLE! VS Foundation of Gatekeepers)

    Killua VS Avin Avin is in his Secret Whispers Arc key. Speed not equalized (Since they are pretty close already, and it makes the debate more interesting.), SBA for the rest. Killua: 1 (MintyBoi) Avin: Incon:

    The Ultimate Pit VS Pit (Smash Bracket VS DEATH BATTLE!) 0-1-0 (INACTIVE)

    This is it! The ultimate battle! Pit VS Pit Smash Bracket Pit has his Subsonic Speed used. All equipment is allowed. Smash Bracket Pit Upsides: Around 5 times stronger and more durable. Mech makes him a comparable speed if not faster. Higher Stamina. Can tank fire and explosions easily. Death...

    Oshawott (BlastZone) VS Majin Buu (Death Battle) 3-0-0 (Grace)

    Oshawott VS Majin Buu Speed Equalized Buu’s Low 7-B attacks are restricted Oshawott: 3 Buu: 0 Incon: 0
  10. Flowerguy2

    Same Episode lol (Homelander VS Sonic) [0-0-0]

    Connections: Rules 1. Speed and Stats are equal 2. Battle taken place in the same town that Omni-Man VS Homelander takes place in. 3. 2018's Sonic key is being used 3. Both have no prior knowledge of each other, and start 20m away. Votes "AFTER I'M DONE WITH YOU, I'M GONNA FLASH-FRY THAT...
  11. ThePrimalHunter

    CH Battles The Goddamn Batman! (Composite Human vs Batman (DEATH BATTLE!)) (0-0-0)

    Composite Human vs Batman (DEATH BATTLE!) Ground Rules: Speed is equal Batman vs Captain America Batman is used CH has 5 throwing knives They start 2 meters away from each other Fight takes place in the same allyway Batman vs Captain America happened in Who Wins? Peak Human: 0 () The Goddamn...
  12. True-oshawott

    Son Goku (Death Battle) VS Sketch (Roblox YouTuber) 0-2-0

    Rules: Restricted to Low 2-C Speed Equalized Votes: Goku: 0 Sketch: 2 Inconclusive: 0 Link to Sketch Link to Goku
  13. Robo432343

    Tanjiro vs Jonathan Joestar REMATCH

    https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/Tanjiro_Kamado vs https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/Jonathan_Joestar Post-Sun Breathing Mastery Tanjiro is used SBA Speed Equal
  14. Robo432343

    Gogeta vs Vegito REMATCH

    https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/Gogeta_(Dragon_Ball_Super) vs https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/Vegito SBA Speed Equal
  15. Robo432343

    Obi-Wan Kenobi vs Kakashi Hatake REMATCH (6-2-0)

    https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/Obi-Wan_Kenobi vs https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/Kakashi_Hatake Dual Mangekyo Sharingan is used SBA Speed Equal Obi-Wan: @Robo432343 @Quibster @C2_of_Omegon @Spectra_Schiffer @Tomfer @Accelerated_Evolution Kakashi: @DavidTPPM @Patates
  16. ThePrimalHunter

    Deku vs Ace (DEATH BATTLE! vs ... DEATH BATTLE!) (0-0-0)

    Izuku Midoriya (DEATH BATTLE!) vs Ace (DEATH BATTLE!) Ground Rules: Both High 8-C Anything higher than High 8-C is restricted Speed is equal Fight takes place on a crowded NYC street Winner gets a cookie Deku is 8.07 Tons of TnT Ace scales to 2.19 Tons of TnT Deku has a 3.7x AP advantage Who...
  17. SpiteBattles

    Saitama vs Goku, but Death Battle (grace/KO!)

    Yes [Rules:] -Both are Low 5-B (Super Saiyan 4 Goku is used), anything higher than that is restricted. -Speed is equal. -Battle takes place on earth, both are 50 meters apart -Other than that, all rules of Death Battle are applied. The One Punch Man: The Tenacious Super Saiyan: 6 ( @Ednaxel2...
  18. Flowerguy2

    Supes Encounters one of Goku's older enemies... (Superman VS Frieza) [0-0-0]

    Rules 1. Speed is NOT Equalized 2. Battle taken place in space. 3. Anything above 5-B is restricted 4. Superman starts in his Goku VS Superman (2013/2015), Sun-dipped Key and Frieza starts in his Final Form 5. Both starts 30 meters away from each other Votes "With every step, an earthquake! With...
  19. ThePrimalHunter

    Goku Fights A Diffrent Superman (Goku (DEATH BATTLE) vs Homelander (DEATH BATTLE)) (GRACE)

    Goku (DEATH BATTLE!) vs Homelander (DEATH BATTLE!) Ground Rules: Speed is Equal Goku's 1st key is used Goku is in his Super Saiyan 1 Form Fight takes place in a city Both are bloodlusted Goku is 373.8 Tons of TnT Homelander is 199.6 Tons of TnT Goku has a 1.87x AP advantage Who Wins? Most...
  20. Uzukeas

    Hitoshi Kai vs Saitama(DEATH BATTLE!)

    Hitoshi Kai vs Saitama Hitoshi starts in his Post Saiyan Realisation Key, And is 5-A Saitama is 5-A Win by any means. SBA is in use. Speed Equal
  21. Spinoirr

    Deadpool (death Battle) vs Ruby Rose (Dragon Ball RWBY)

    Beacon arc ruby is being used Deadpool VS Deathstroke Deadpool is being used Speed is equal Ruby Rose: Me Deadpool!: Icon:
  22. ThePrimalHunter

    [R1M5] FC/OC 9-C Tournament: Taokaka (DEATH BATTLE!) vs Jeff The Killer (MrCreepyPasta Series) (GRACE)

    Round 1 Match 5: Taokaka (DEATH BATTLE!) vs Jeff The Killer (MrCreepyPasta Series) Same rules as in the tournament Speed is equal Both have prior knowledge Both start 15m away Fight takes place in a dark allyway A large array of weapons are laying on the ground that can be used Winner moves on...
  23. ThePrimalHunter

    [R1M1] FC/OC 9-C Tournament: Batman (DEATH BATTLE!) vs Thumper (Lethal Company) (STOMP)

    Round 1 Match 1: Batman (DEATH BATTLE!) vs Thumper (Lethal Company) Same rules as in the tournament Speed is equal Both have prior knowledge Both start 15m away Fight takes place in a dark allyway A large array of weapons are laying on the ground that can be used 2nd Key Batman is used Winner...
  24. Robo432343

    the force is transdual? (star wars)

    i was looking at the g1 blog for vader vs obito and i came across this The Force is a metaphysical, natural and spiritual presence. It manifests as an all-pervading invisible energy field that underpins all of creation, while concurrently binding its entirety. Within the confines of its...
  25. HonestlyBored24

    The Virgin DEATH BATTLE! vs The Virgin VS Battles Wiki (Donkey Kong vs. Knuckles the Echidna) (7-0-0, GRACE!)

    Da Roolz Speed is equalized. Both are in-character, and start 1m away. The battle takes place on DK Island (exactly as it appears on DEATH BATTLE!!!) Super Mario Series Donkey Kong is being used. Da Vouts “I’d shower you with coconut cream pies!”: 7 (Flashlight237, DimeUhDozen, Naitodesu...
  26. ThePrimalHunter

    Adam vs The Goddamn Batman (Adam Pixton vs Batman (DEATH BATTLE!)) (GRACE)

    Adam Pixton (Hero's Oath) vs Batman (DEATH BATTLE!) Ground Rules: Stage 2 Adam is used Batman vs Iron Man Key for Batman is used Batman starts in the Hellbat Armor Speed is Equal Both start 15m away from each other Neither have any prior knowledge Fight takes place in Gotham Adam is >1,248.48...
  27. Oiguana2701

    A Nintendo/YouTube character fights a Sega/YouTube character (TerminalMontage Vs Death Battle!) 0-3-0 (Grace)

    Reshiram (TerminalMontage) Vs Knuckles (Death Battle) Speed is equalized 7-C Knuckles is used, and is bloodlusted So, yeah. White Dragon: Monotreme: 3 Incon: Reshiram has 2.195834174x the AP
  28. Deidalius

    Death Battle's Gojo vs Makima according to VSBW

    This will be in Fun and games because it might be a stomp according to this site. Who stomps who? We will be using the rules Death Battle uses for this matchup. Gojo Stomps: Makima Stomps: Accelerator comes in and sweeps a pair of a babies' first overwanked OP character according to ZOOMERS...
  29. Flowerguy2

    Super-Human VS Mutant-Human (Izuku Midoriya (DEATH BATTLE!) VS Lucy (DEATH BATTLE!)) [5-2-0] (GRACE)

    Rules 1. Speed is equalized 2. The battle taken place in the destroyed train station after Carnage VS Lucy 3. Both are in-character, and both starts 10 feet away 4. Izuku only knows (Or thinks) that Lucy is a villain, and Lucy only knows that Izuku is an another threat 5. Deku's Plus Ultra is...
  30. MintyBoi1

    Save Mushroom Kingdom (Sora vs Devil Mario) [GRACE]

    Mario has one Power Star Speed is equalized Win by death or incap Fight takes place in the Power Star Mushroom Kingdom SBA for anything else Multiversal Savior: (0.076 Tons of TNT) World Ender: (0.1275 Tons of TNT) Inconclusive:
  31. Flowerguy2

    Sora (DEATH BATTLE!) VS Star Butterfly (DEATH BATTLE!) [3-0-0] (GRACE)

    Rules 1. Speed is equalized, 2. Both are in-character, Base Star is used and the battle taken place in the same coliseum from Sora VS Pit 3. Anything above 9-A is restricted Votes "Let's see what you think of this!": 3 (@MintyBoi1, @LeoEpicGamer8910, @Mariogoods) Scales to this; 0.076 Tons of...
  32. Flowerguy2

    The Flash fights the 'Hedgehog' again...? (Wally West (DEATH BATTLE!) VS Executor Vermillion) [0-0-0]

    Rules 1. Speed is equalized 2. The battle taken place in the Cosmic Interstate. 3. Executor Blood Scream key is used 4. Both are in-character Votes "What's the matter? You're too slow?": Scales to baseline 8-A, baseline 7-C with Infinite Mass Punch; 100.00 Tons of TNT, 5.8 Kilotons with Infinite...
  33. Mariogoods

    Cool-down period for CRT involving Death Battle-involved combatants

    Introduction As Death Battle has become an influential web series about versus debating and its verdict, questionable or not, would be influential in VS Battles Wiki. As it is possible that Death Battle supported verdict could be potentially more acceptable with less consideration of its...
  34. ThePrimalHunter

    Izuku vs Miles But Diffrent (Izuku (DEATH BATTLE!) vs Miles (Insomniac)) (GRACE)

    Death Battle Deku vs Video Game Miles Ground Rules: Both are High 8-C Speed is Equal Both have prior knowledge on each other Figh takes place in NYC Both start 20 meters away Deku is 8.07 Tons of TnT Miles scales to 3.65 Tons of TnT Deku has a 2.21x AP advantage Who Wins? Death Battle...
  35. Mariogoods

    Izuku Midoriya (DEATH BATTLE!) VS Omni-Man (DEATH BATTLE!) (Grace)

    Rule: 1. Izuku Midoriya is High 8-C, 8-A with 1,000,000% Plus Ultra while Omni-Man (DEATH BATTLE!) is 8-A. 2. Speed is equalized. 3. SBA. Vote: Izuku Midoriya (DEATH BATTLE!): 0 Omni-Man (DEATH BATTLE!): 6 (Diamond_Drone, Robo432343, Mariogoods, MintyBoi1, SomaKing13, Wurm) Inconclusive: 0
  36. ThePrimalHunter

    Adam vs Deku But Better (Adam Pixton vs Izuku Midoriya (DEATH BATTLE!)) (GRACE)

    So pretty much this again but with a diffrent variation of Deku that is slightly more haxy Adam Pixton vs Izuku Midoriya (DEATH BATTLE!) Ground Rules: Adam is in his Stage 1 Key Deku is in his 1,000,000% Plus Ultra Form Speed is = Neither have any prior knowledge Fight takes place in the same...
  37. ThePrimalHunter

    Liam Vs Another Death Battle Character (Liam Sternberg vs Omni-Man (DEATH BATTLE!)) (GRACE)

    Liam pretty easily took down Homelander in this thread. You know who else pretty easily took down Homelander? Omni-Man. Now it's time to make these 2 fight Ground Rules: Speed is Equal Neither have any prior knowledge They start 4 meters away from each other Fight takes place in Omni-Man's...
  38. ThePrimalHunter

    Spider-Man vs A Doctor (Spider-Man (DEATH BATTLE!) vs Ash Jacobson) (GRACE)

    Spider-Man vs Ash Jacobson Ground Rules: Speed is Equal They start 12 meters away from each other Fight takes place in a crouded NYC Neither have any prior knowledge Spider-Man is 0.012 Tons of TnT Ash Jacobson is 0.0324 Tons of TnT Ash has a 2.7x AP advantage Who Wins? Doesn't have a black...
  39. ThePrimalHunter

    The Goddamn Batman vs Some Chef (Batman (DEATH BATTLE!) vs Ron) (GRACE)

    Batman has a 1-3-0 record on Death Battle. Because of this, lets put him against a man with a 1-6-0 record Ground Rules: Batman's 1st key is used (Batman vs Spider-Man) Ron is bloodlusted Fight takes place on a random skyscraper rooftop in gotham Speed is equal Batman has prior knowledge on...
  40. ThePrimalHunter

    A Racist Cop vs A Cowardly Lizard (Blue Hawk vs Yoshi (DEATH BATTLE!)) (GRACE)

    Blue Hawk (The Boys) vs Yoshi (DEATH BATTLE!) Ground Rules: Speed is Equal Blue Hawk has prior knowledge on Yoshi Fight takes place where Yoshi & Riptor faught They are 6 meters apart Who Wins? CEO of Racism: 3 (Volt12121, ThePrimalHunter, HonestlyBored24) Big Ass Reptile: 0 () Incon: 0 ()