Some_sentient_water Iapitus_The_Impaler Some_sentient_water wrote on Iapitus_The_Impaler's profile.
IDK if you still read comments on your profile (your last reply was in 2022), and I know it's probably not a good time to mention SCP stuff, but I've got to say, Note: Your Name is Nobody is one of the reasons I'm still alive. I've got a few dissociative disorders (assuming that therapist type person was right), and seeing a protagonist go through similar stuff, overcoming their challenges in the end, whilst not being treated as villainous means a lot. Like, it's not the only thing on the site that's helped "me" avoid suicide (...Like Clockwork, Siggy stuff, Pangloss stuff, Unreality stuff, Here be Dragons, 6113, etc), nor the only media in general (series 4 of Teen Titans, The Owl House, Hollow Knight, Gwenpool, Sassy the Sasquatch, even Don Quixote, etc), but that doesn't diminish its importance. Also, the story just makes sense; having Nobody - the guy who nobody remembers - draw the ire of an antimeme, then defend themself using their established notes and Damnatio ad Bestias... it works. Regardless of what happens, thank you.
(PS: A little disappointed I didn't guess that you were the author; there can't be that many people who call themself Iapitus The something or other.)
(PS: A little disappointed I didn't guess that you were the author; there can't be that many people who call themself Iapitus The something or other.)