Most of them don't have much going for them:
Prototype Coffin seems able to cause notable damage to the ground fighting Accelerator. It shot its fireballs, creating an explosion and damaging a large section of the ground and making a crater around Accel. He later makes a large wall of fire. Anti-Skill estimated it to be Lv 4 in power. Durability is Unknown since Accel oneshots it, but likely Building level, as it's hard to believe an experimental superweapon being weaker than a mass-produced HsPS-15. Speed is Unknown, so the best we could do is "at least Superhuman".
Other Coffins should also be Building level Durability, with Qiong Qi possibly higher with its Lv 5 Psychokinesis. Speed likely "at least Subsonic", as Hundun escapes from Accel using some kind of rocket boosters, and Qiong Qi and Taotie mostly keep up with them. Hundun's AP since it didn't attack before being destroyed, it just grabbed the Sister and ran. Possibly Street level with its mechanical arms, just to give it something beyond flight and its apparent camouflage ability (Maybe the same Chameleon stuff the DA grunt used in chapter 1).
Qiong Qi destroyed a ceiling, fought against Accel with its undescribed trick and dispersed Accel's wind attack and wind wall. It also melted a human (somehow).
Taotie has its gatling guns (likely Wall level by scaling thm to the Tarantula's), its missiles and its super cannon. Problem is that the chapter where it used the cannon seems to have some scale issues (Just look at the Qiong Qi become gigantic as it peers around a building, or at Accel become a giant as he stops the building's section from crushing a whole street of civilians), so I don't know how reliable the calc for it would be. We could always scale it to at least Building level, as it's clearly much stronger than an anti-barrier shotgun or Mikoto's Railgun.
The Scavenger leader is a recon/tracking-type support esper like Takitsubou, so her page is probably not worth it.
Ya has her special coolant that can quickly freeze a person and her liquid thermite reactions.
Seike has lifting a grown man and breaking his neack with one hand and using her powers to stop the Tarantula from charging her. She can also boost herself with her special gun.
Naru has her explosive paper planes (still don't know how she did that, maybe they were carrying Ya's chemicals) and reacting to Hasami and bullets. Her bunny suit has creating a crater, blitzing Yomikawa and breaking her combat shield, throwing Hasami into a wall and the whole excavator thing. Her paper can block bullets and tank Ya's liquid thermite reaction.