We will get crap from the outside no matter what we do. There are various misconceptions about VSBW that are preconceived and we are so large and popular that it was bound to happen anyway. This is the same mistake as making a literal apology in the form of the Dimensional Tiering page. Pardon my French but, we don't have shit to prove to anyone, especially not other vs debating sites.
I do not agree with this at all. It sounds good on paper, but the application of such a page will do nothing. Casual visitors are what matters and our popularity and sheer influence offsite is evidence that our system works and our methods to keep it that way have worked. Yes, we do need to change various bad habits of ours and keep our commumity stable and clean but that's about it.
The opinions of those guys from Comicvine, SpaceBattles, Reddit. Youtube, etc. do not matter. Of course they're going to hate on us. They are going to hate on us because we're an organized body so most members here have generally the same mindset. They believe the tier system is systematically forct ed into new members' minds, not understanding the simple fact that our vs matches are based on the tier system so it's not like someone can come out of nowhere and say a 7-A with no hax can beat a High 1-C simply because they have a hate boner for dimensional tiering.
We will get hate so long as we don't think The Living Tribunal solos all of fiction.
We will get hate so long as we don't use "Megaversal" "Multi-Multiversal", "Omegaversal" "Omniversal", and similar made up terms. Yet they have the audacity to give us heat because we made up Outerverse. Hypocrisy much? It's called hating.
We will get hate so long as we don't think Marvel is the strongest verse in fiction.
We will get hate whether we use dimensional tiering or not
We will get hate so long as Antvasima, Matthew Schroeder, Dragonmasterxyz, Weekly Battles, and Promestein are members.
We will get hate so long as Kepekley and myself members.
We will get hate so long as our "cult leader" (DarkLK) is a member.
It goes on and on and will never stop. So why should we care? It's 2019 and people still think we wank anime and downplay comics. It's pathetic. We only get hate because we're highly influential. Vs debaters from all around the web are using our system, our logic, and our terms. Of course we're going to get hate from kids that don't agree with that. It's a matter of their immaturity rather than our incompetence. And I know for a fact that we don't even do everything right and our culture, in my opinion anyway, is currently damaged and in need of a soft reboot.
Now then, I'm neutral on making a FAQs page, a blog would be better honestly but it wouldn't exactly harm anything to make on of those. So long as it pretains to the inner workings of the site, such as CRTs and so forth, that's fine. I'm not okay with another "Sorry, This is Just How We do Things" page.