Subjective Reality: Wang Ling while creating a universe was
dreaming a universe into reality.
This link doesn't work, so I can't comment on it.
Law Manipulation, Casuality Manipulation Via Time Manipulation: Wang Ling was stated to be
tampering with cause and effect and go against the laws of nature by reversing time.
decontextualized statement
"laws of nature" in this case is a figure of speech. He means that sending time backwards is a non-ordinary event that does not exist in nature.
You can probably grant limited time manipulation since it only controls a certain "portion" of time. To qualify as a "real" time/law manip. it should control all aspects of time (time stop and rewind)
"tampers with cause and effect"
by manipulating time a past event is "restored", as if that action had never happened.
A hits B, B rewinds time by hitting A before he hits him. B "erased" A's action by rewinding time. I prevent the cause of the blow (the action/movement of A) thus canceling the consequence (the damage suffered).
It's a simple consequence of rewinding time. Here too you took the statement literally. This feat is not enough to qualify to control the laws of cause and effect, being immune to temporal hax would be the equivalent of resistence to causality manip. This definitely doesn't work
as stated in the video this happens thanks to the inversion of time. This is all simple time manipulation. which at this level does not qualify you to possess causality manip.
when you repeatedly hit a person he gets tired even if he reacts in some way a few times. The person is out of breath and energy, this does not mean that I have statistics reduction. All this, just as the feat in the video is a "cause" of another action that is not connected to the actual feat.