’I’m leaving’ announcement pages are my biggest pet peeve.
At first, only Staff really did them, which is ok. They’re relatively important members of the wiki.
Then, normal people started to do them.
Every week now, I’m seeing an ‘I’m leaving’ announcement. It @‘s 10 people saying how much they enjoyed their company, everyone says goodbye. Then they come back a few days later because ‘oh well there’s a crt going on’ or something stupid like that.
Like, honestly, I don’t care if you leave. It sucks, but that’s life, people move on from hobbies. But don’t tell me you’re leaving, only to come back. Don’t stretch your meaty, attention-needing hands out begging for likes and validation only to come back and say ‘well ok I’m here again but I’ll leave soon’ and never leave. You may as well have said nothing at all.