Yeah... first it was for their own freedom, then it was over whether slavery should be retained or abolished, then it was over maintaining democracy across the world (even if it meant propping up dictators, as long as they supported the US), and now it's pretty much to retain the #1 spot in the world as both an economic superpower and military superpower (hence why they're trying to undermine Russia and China, though those two countries are in no way innocent either what with the war in Ukraine and the Xinjiang camps and the matter of Taiwan, but ironically USA AND UK are doing similar actions to maintain their own military power in the Chagos Archipelago)
Hell they're not even giving back the rightful inhabitants' homes as of
last year:
"The treaty allows the Chagos Islanders a limited right of return, stating that
those born on Diego Garcia are not permitted to return but leaving it open for those from the other islands to do so."
(to clarify,
they kicked out and razed down the homes and gassed the pets of 1000+ people since 1973 to make their military base)
In general I just want conflict, subjugation, and overall discrimination and hatred as well as desire for power over others to end at this rate (mostly cause a majority of ongoing geopolitical issues essentially are exacerbated if not outright instigated by said factors) and more or less replaced by peace, mutual aid/support and coexistence, and acceptance and respect or even love for each other as fellow living beings (for now we can support it for humanity, but eventually perhaps it would be possible to extend it to all of life (particularly if we move to stem-cell cultured food), though we can't stop other living beings from harming/killing each other welp)
Basically, as what is evidently an idealistic and hopeful dream that I wish becomes a reality, we should strive to make the world (whether this planet or even the broader universe) better/strive to improve and bring more good to the world for everything and everyone on their terms
(Also cause I'm practically sick of people killing each other (or committing other atrocity crimes against each other) over their differences in general cause let's face it, even if we're different in backgrounds or beliefs or physical or mental abilities we're still fundamentally fellow living beings in the same world)
To put this into further emphasis to highlight how insane the conflicts are for the Middle East by pointing out similarities:
(same original patriarchs and prophets (Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Samuel, Job, etc) and similar greetings with the exact same meaning across the Abrahamic religions)
(and to give further context I'm born Hindu but I'm currently an omnist)
(I know there are deeper reasons such as historical conflicts and divides, particularly those due to colonialism like the conflicting
McMahon-Hussein Correspondence,
Sykes-Picot Agreement and
Balfour Declaration where the European colonial countries (particularly the UK, AGAIN, JUST AS WITH AFRICA AND INDIA, PAKISTAN AND BANGLADESH) basically messed up with geographical promises to both the Arabs and Jews and then betrayed both of them and left them to deal with the mistakes the European countries made, as well as the crusades and conquests in the names of different beliefs, but given the similarities in the beliefs and even the cultures within the Middle East it's a tragedy that they are still fighting despite it all)