Graham: Looks pretty fine to me, except for the "at least" in his tier, Durability, and Striking Strength (In 1-A key). That needs to be removed since having that implies a possible High 1-A, which Graham does not fulfill the requirements for.
Minor Things: Striking Strength is done improperly, as they are labeled differently than the AP and Durability, shown on its page. It should be: Universal | Outerversal. Some things are bolded when they shouldn't be, Stamina, Range, Intelligence are these stats.
Jay Grimoire: I feel like he could use more justification on his 1-A key. His Omnipresent speed needs a different justification than that, since being 1-A alone just gives Irrelevant.
Same bold statement said on Graham applies here as well, except on intelligence, since this page does not have a bolded intelligence rating. Striking strength statement also applies here as well.