Nothing in the original scene or the dialogue in said scene suggests that Zamasu took over the entire universe yet.
Correct me if i'm wrong, but is the difference between 3-a and low 2-c not uncountably infinite? even if he was like .00000000000000001 percent merged with the universe's space time or something ridiculously low like that (which I don't believe to be the case as im pretty sure BOG goku and beerus were going to destroy the universe in moments as listed on their page, and zamasu's speed should scale far above that+he was expanding for a few minutes? which should be more than enough) it wouldn't matter because even then it would still get them to low 2-c.
Nothing in this scene suggests as such other. We still see Zamasu attempting to extend his presence, but nothing suggests he has merged with the universe.
Uhhhh other than zamasu becoming the order of the universe itself, distorting reality so its literally in his image? So I think gowasu's statements would be heavily backed up visually, so much implies that zamasu was actually doing this that I would actually love to see counter-evidence as opposed to skepticism.
That was his intention, according to Gowasu, but nothing in any episode or any website or any artbook confirms whether or not he accomplished it.
Yeah again, in bog goku and beerus's speed was enough to affect the universe in seconds, i think zamasu who should scale much faster than bog goku and in a larger time frame (1-2 minutes i believe), so I'm leaning towards it actually being the case, unless theres counter evidence im missing.
Infinite Zamasu appearing in the present timeline is no more than a Dimensional Travel feat. Besides, he travelled through a warp in time to get there. Impressive on its own, but this means nothing in the context of a Low 2-C rating, especially considering Zamasu had not even merged with the future universe yet, nor did he significantly affect anything time-related in any of the timelines. That is the make-it-or-brake-it keyword: "significantly". In order to qualify for Low 2-C this way, you would have to significantly affect both the spatial and temporal axis.
If we operate under the axiom that he was becoming the universe, there are two possible interpretations of it we can take it as. Physical matter, or space time. But we see zamasu expanding not only into future uni 7, but uni 7 from another timeline, and then not just that, but
17 years into the past of that timeline, getting into the present where the rest of the z fighters live. I would think distorting a universe, and its order to the point it becomes in your image on a spatiotemporal scale would qualify for "significantly affecting"
And if you are gonna say it's some sort of dimensional travel I would also ask for something implying that as well. Because in this context I believe it isn't implied nor would it make sense as 1. zamasu has never shown an ability that has allowed him to travel to another timeline on his own, (not only that but 17 years into the past of that timeline) and 2. that would defeat the entire purpose of why zamasu wanted the time rings and killed gowasu for it. Also we know that again all zamasu is doing to our knowledge is distorting/merging with the universe and its order and justice, so all things point to it being achieved through his expansion, not some sort of technique he kept hidden until the very last second of the arc.
"Beerus said Zamasu was affecting the past, though."
Beerus: Something happened in the future. It's having an effect on the present.
This comment is being taken way too literally. Beerus does not even know what this "something" is. This is just saying, "They ****** up over there, and now we have to suffer from it" without saying, "They ****** up over there, and now we have to suffer from it".
Thats the most direct statement we could possibly receive about the situation, just saying say what from the future is affecting the past doesn't mean it's not zamasu. Especially since we know and beerus knows that they went to the future to
fight off zamasu. Moreover I wan't to know what makes you think beerus has no idea whats happening.
Also you can argue beerus can possibly know its the future happening in the past since he has clairvoyance and cosmic awareness (listed on his page)? But that gets headcanony and weird so i wont really delve into that hole.
#3. There is no third argument.
So yeah for the reasons presented above, I completely disagree with this crt.