Some Notable Feats
-In terms of lifting the GoGoV commonly lift and swing around Psyma. But most impressively in Ep.36 the Psyma of the episode was able to easily toss around cars and Daimon was fairly comparable to him.
-The Magma Golem survives crashing to earth as a meteorite in Ep.1. And in Ep.11 the same Magma Golem is able to create Earthquakes intense enough to leave massive cracks in the ground (Large enough to fit Victory Robo)
-Another Psyma in Episode 11 was able to reactivate a dormant volcano with his fire breath, even causing earthquakes that were felt far away all throughout the city
-Skipping ahead to the final few episodes, Matioi/GoRed was able to damage Grandiene, and the GoGoV was even able to tank hits from giant enemies powered up by her so they should be fairly comparable to her.
-In Episode 48 we see Grandiene create a massive storm that darkens the sky all across the city. And later in Episode 50 she causes a large flood and causes a total solar eclips
-Figuring stats for the mecha is a fairly easy upscale to figure out. Giant forms are a 10,000 times multiplier to power, Golem cards being a greater power boost. They have also fought giant enemies in the Psyma Zone, which is another 100,000 times multiplier to power ontop of the 10,000 times from just the giant form
Weapons and Gear
GoBraces/Anti-Hazard Suits:
-Main form of communication between the GoGoV, also allow them to equip there Anti-Hazard Suits
-There suits are specially calibrated so only they can use them, so even if the GoBraces are stolen they can not be used by anyone else. Also just being a GoGoV grants superhuman stats and enhanced healing. Shown in Episode 9 when a random girl given the powers of GoPink was given the strength to fight off Psyma beast and was instantly healed of here muscle atrophy
-They also gain some resistances while wearing the suit. Heat/Fire should be a general one, given that the suits are normally unaffected when being touched/being around flames. Also while the big bad of Epsiode 6 could eat away at metal safe doors with his acid, the GoGoV suits were shown to be unaffected by it.
-The suits greatly enhance there hearing, allowing them to hear cries of help from inside a building they would have no way of hearing normally (Episode 1)
-The visors themself also allow for scanning of enemies and machines to give any useful information (Ep 14 and 15). Along with allowing them to not only zoom in but use x-ray and heat vision to see people inside of buildings (Ep 1)
-It also provides oxygen for the GoGoV while underwater (Ep 41)
Laser Grip:
-Main weapon of the GoGoV, being a varied multi-purpose tool
-The basic forms of the Laser Grib are a long ranged Laser Pistol (Five Laser) and a close range baton like weapon (Stick Mode)
-Can be combined with the Life Bird for various weapons, which can be called at anytime using the Go Braces (Ep1)
-The Breaker Drill is a drill attachment, the Build Discharge is a fire extinguisher, Wing Spreader is a mode that allows the GoGoV to crush or spread things apart, and the Claw Anchor is for grappling onto targets
-The Tail Injector is the most interesting add on, since it says on the wiki that it can inject humans with healing medicine that harms demons like Psyma....but it only shows up like once in the show from what I can tell so idk. Maybe it is used better in one of the movies
-The Calamity Breaker is the team weapon that is able to blow most Psyma to chunks. And unlike other team weapons this one is capable of being used when only one GoGoV member is present
-A set of boomerangs they get from there father in Episode 18
-Can morph into a lance like weapon that can be powered up to form the V-Slash (Ep 18 again) or into the V-Machine Gun for a longranged laser weapon. Which has a team attack in the form of the Big V Buster, combining all 5 beams and forming a V shap while firing at enemies
-The lance mode is also shown to be capable of heating up its blade (Ep 31)
V Mode Brace:
-A brace designed by there father that allows them to enter into special modes by entering in codes (Ep 22)
-4-7-8-V allows them to enter into a more powered up state. Allowing them to overpower enemies that they were origionally unable to, and also letting them charge there hands to perform moves like the V-Mode Chop and V-Mode Punch
-5-5-5-V allows them to perform the V-Mode Crash. Which is a long ranged energy beam move
-3-3-3-V creates an energy shield that can block and reflect projectiles (Ep 28)
Go Blaster:
-A weapon designed and made by Nagare (Ep 29) that works similarly to the Five Laser. Which has been shown to be able to harm giant enemies fairly late into the season (Ep 29)
-Can perform the Freeze shot to extinguish fires (Ep 29)
-Has a rescue mode, allowing it to fire out energy robes for swinging or for grappling to targets (Ep 41), firing out nets to trap targets (Ep 35) and even trapping targets hit by it in metal bindings (Ep 40)
-When combined with the V-Mode Brace it enters into its Hyper Mode (29) greatly increasing its power and allowing for the team to perform Hyper Five as a team
Stuff specific to the members themself
-While a soul stealing tree was capable of absorbing peoples bodies and stealing there souls just by touching them with there roots. But while all it took was a single touch to do so the GoGoV were completely unaffected by being touched by its roots (Ep 43). So resistance to Absorption and Soul Manipulation
-The entire of GoGoV were also left fine after being exposed to the vacuum of space (Ep 46)
-Matsuri/GoPink was capable of breaking herself and the other GoGoV free from an singing? (Ep 45) yeah the last few minutes of this episode confused me abit ngl. She is also of course a skilled medic from years of nursing experience
-Matoi has said that he is a blackbelt, but he really has nothing on Daimon since he was skilled enough to go up against a Psyma beast who had out-skilled several other martial artists from several different combat styles (Ep 36)
-Nagare is extremely intelligent, doing things like quickly fixing the Green Hover (Ep 15), helping to develop a fire fighting robot (Ep 46), quickly overpowering a computer virus made to be powerful enough to effortlessly take over ever computer on earth, and even helping to create an Anti-Virus gun that could eliminate said virus (Ep 14)
-Shou is a very skilled pilot. And while he doesn't have outright immunity to diseases, it still took an extremely deadly one much longer to leave him unable to move than it did for two completely normal humans nearby (Ep 6)
Mecha/Vehicle time hell yeah
Command Attacker:
-An emergency bike designed by there father (Ep 3) with pulse cannons for firing lasers
-Its side car is known as the attacker pod, which can fly separate from the bike and ram into opponents (Ep 3)
-Strangely it was capable of breaking into the Spider Dimension without use of the trap portal created by the dimensions owner (Ep18)
-Special vehicles each designed accordingly to the career fields each GoGoV member went into
-GoPink has the Pink Aider, nothing to special about it besides its being able to carry around dozens of cars
-GoYellow has the Yellow Armor, equipped with a Shovel Arm for digging (Ep 3)
-GoGreen has the Green Hover, which comes equiped with two hoist cables strong enough to lift the other several ton 99Machines all at once. It can also drop Extinguishing Bombs made for putting out fires (EP 7) and has impact guns for combat (Ep 1)
-GoBlue has the Blue Thrower, which has chemical hoses on its top for putting out fires in seconds (Ep 1)
-GoRed has the Red Ladder, a fire truck with ladder arms for reaching into high up areas during rescue missions (Ep 1)
Victory Walker:
-First formation of the 99 Machines
-It can walk and fire from the Blue Throwers ******* sucks lol
Victory Robo:
-Combination of all the 99 Machines
-Strong enough to throw around a balled up Gasgil several hundred feet through the air (Ep 3)
-Has several moves like the Windmill Ladder, Screw Spin Ladder, and Ladder Wheel Crash were it uses its extentible arms for attacks
-Can fire out lasers from its Ladder Cannon (Ep 3) along with having fire extinguisher in its arms (Ep 11)
-Can detect invisible targets with its Victory Scanners (Ep 48)
-Wields the Braver Sword, which can charge itself with light to perform the Victory Prominence (Ep 2). A move that is extreamly deadly against Psyma beast
Max Liner:
-A space ship that gains solar power from the sun, commonly flying into outerspace and back in seconds to do so (Ep 21) and is capable of morphing into a robot form aka Liner Boy. Which wields the Blaster Shield, a sheild that can erect an energy forcefield around itself while firing lasers (Ep 21)
-Can fire beams that instantly transport the GoGoV into its cockpit (Ep 47)
-Thanks to a part installed by the GoGoV's father, it is impossible to gain control of Liner Boy through foreign devices (Ep 28)
Max Victory Robo:
-The combination between Liner Boy and Victory Robo, capable of firing lasers and flight (Ep 22)
-It can absorb explosions and gain power from them, using the power in the form of its finisher Max Nova (Ep 22)
-Its laser blast were fast enough to reach a meteorite in outerspace in seconds (Ep 30)
Go Liner:
-A train commonly used by the GoGoV for storing and transporting there 99 Machines and later there Mars Machines
-Can map out areas and give the number of people in a specific area (Ep 3)
-Can be combined with the Max Liner for travel into the air and outerspace
-Mecha form of the Go Liner (Ep 12) causing great pain and draining alot of energy from its pilots (seem to be less of a problem in later episode)
-Has missles in its left shoulder and a gattling gun in its right, and can use them to perform the Fist of Fury, Storm of Flames
-Has cooling missles that were capable of freezing over an entire volcano in seconds (Ep 12)
Beetle Mars:
-A combination of the 5 Mars Machines (each of the GoGoV having there own) (EP 30) equiped with its Mars Cannons for combat
-Has its Beetle Arms for interacting with things outside of the Beetle Mars, the hands of the arms even capable of woking like drills.
-While non standard it has Burrowing Bombs, which it only took two to destroy a large meteor
Victory Mars:
-The second combination of the Mars Machines
-Durable enough to tank a meteor destroying meteor (Ep 30), can survive in temperatures over 5,500 degrees Celsius (Ep31) and can survive at pressures up to 8,000 meters underwater (Ep 31)
-Able to keep its internal temperature extremely low compared to the outside temperatures, keeping the inside at 160 degrees as opposed to the temperature of 6,000 outside (Ep 39)
-Was able to fly close to the sun in a short timeframe and throw a Psyma Beast into it (Ep 39)
-Wields a spear like weapon in combat, capable of firing off its tip as a long-ranged attack in the form of a jet and can perform a fiery slash in the form of the Jet Lance Mars Flare (EP 31)
-It can wield the Braver Sword and perform the Mars Prominence (Ep 39(
Max Victory Robo Black Version:
-THE strongest mech they have and that's no understatement
-Wields the Braver Sword and can use the Victory Prominence, which was able of killing the Grand Witch Grandiene along with Salamandes and Zylpheeza (who had been incredibly powered up by Grandiene) in a single attack