But... if we go purely by their skill feats and how hard they are to master in verse. We have a young Goku using a precary version of the kamehameha from seeing his master use it once, said master gets freaked out, since this technique requires like a hundred years to master for a guy like himself. Meanwhile, WSRSF is a very impressive martial art, being the world's strongest defensive/counter based martial arts created by who's arguably the greatest martial artist to have ever lived, but apparently it's something that can be taught and learned at least on a basic level by anyone who's willing to put in effort. Sure, we never see another disciple reach Garou or Bang's level, but Orochi manages to copy it instantly without any problem. Meanwhile even after practicing for years Garou can't quite catch up to Bang until reaching his monster form. (you can say however that his technique mimicry and learning have gotten much better after he becomes a monster.)
Other than that Garou has a pretty good skill chain of beating other superhumanly skilled martial masters. (Wich is a problem in OPM, since a lot of the people Garou fights that isn't Bang really don't have that many skill feats, as OPM is not as nearly martial arts focused as the OG DB and GoH.) More experience. (He's legit old enough to be Garou's father.) Can learn techniques that people have been trying to learn for billions of years (like Ultra instinct.) has Analytical prediction bordering on precog that lets him predict teleportation on people comparable to him in skill and speed, and eventually Hit's time skipping (wich coouuldd be argued as him reacting to infinite speed if that wasn't beyond ridiculous). and likely much more, since i'm not really that qualified to talk about Goku. If i had to gauge their techniques it would be