Kura diligently goes to each of you who are participating and reminds you to go over the rules once more so you don't forget.
[To those who knew her before] She seems to be in better spirits than before.
[To the newcomers] She seems like a hard worker.
[I'm reposting the rules for those who have forgotten or missed them.]
The rules are your general standard fare for a large tournament, but the most important points are as follows:
1. No killing. Violation means disqualification and persecution in accordance with regular legal procedures. (There's an asterisk by this rule. As with any combat focused competition, participants must acknowledge the possibility of death or even serious or permanent injury.)
2. Matches are won by knockout, incapacitation (for 1 minute), ring out, or forfeit. Ring out means being more than 350 meters from the center of the ring in any direction.
3. No outside help or interference. Intentionally recieving or help from a non contender and/or the attempt thereof is grounds for immediate disqualification. Summons count as outside help so long as they are sentient and have greater than animalistic intelligence, but are otherwise allowed. (The rule later goes on to say that targeting the audience with attacks of any kind is also forbidden). It is not forbidden of course, to use the presence of the audience to your advantage.
4. No weapons or equipment can be brought into the ring before the match starts. Mounts count as equipment and follow the same intelligence rules as summons. The exceptions to this rule are items explicitly created
during the match by a person's own abilities, or complementary items provided by the event committee.
(Team exclusive rules)
Matches are decided once all of the members of the opposing team have been defeated as per the regular victory conditions. Team members can be rescued from the incapacitation win method but other losses are final.
If a team has less than 5 members, the intelligence rules for mounts and summons is lifted until the number of intelligent allies reaches the maximum number of members.
Both the winners of the team and individual competitions may challenge the current champion for the title of Galaxy's Strongest. The team winners must choose a single representative for the challenge.
Prizes are the same for both team and solo competitions. The team winners still only get 1 of each prize.
3rd Place: Gem fortune (Precious gems which can be easily transmuted into an alternate energy source.)
2nd Place:
Power Star (plus 3rd place prize)
1st Place: A
wish granted by the Goddess Remiela (plus 2nd and 3rd place prize)
[The tournament will officially start in the next thread. Feel free to fill this one up in the meantime, or ask questions about anything that's unclear. I'll try to make the next thread later today.]