I'll give a last message here as to begin 2025, because I think that as the OP of this thread, this is important.
I definitely do not think that I'll be able to contribute to this verse in any reliable manner, as my absence in the last months proved too, because of several factors:
- I lost interest in this verse due to several factors which are both irl and online, like priortizing multiple other verses that I personally prefer way more, getting generally busy irl with job and family matters, and also being hit by procrastination. Another BIG factor that pretty much killed my interest in this verse is the fact that Magia Record became the main source of many, many infos, to the point that it's now the primary canon of this verse instead of the vanilla anime/movies. I always hated gacha mobile games, so I think it's clear where this is going to.
- The verse is generally very, very, very big, more than one can think of when first seeing it. Aviable for powerscaling there are:
- The og anime of 12 episodes and the 3 movies (and the incoming 4th one).
- Magia Record (both the mobile game and anime adaptation; for the former you can find all the translations here given that Intertantional version was discontinued years ago, or you can check this Reddit comment about more ways to translate it).
- 26 manga series, between adaptations of the animated materials, direct sequels/midquels of the anime, spin-offs and alternate timelines.
- 15 videogames excluding Magia Record. A lot of these seem to be irrelevant stuff, but I'd pay particular attention to these, as the rest are all very minor and obscure mobile games:
- Various social media accounts (Urobuchi and GenGen's), as well as the official one.
- I generally am not invested in such a large amount of materials, unless is a verse I really like from a long time like Pokémon. Unless you're one of those people who likes to consume super long medias like this, One Piece, Nasuverse, Warhammer or Doctor Who, then it's not reccomended.
I am telling all of this in a last, desperate plea to get people who are willing to be interested enough to revive the verse. Right now, visually the state is awful, as:
- The pages are all pretty bad. Examples are Kyoko, Mami or Kirika, who all lack literally any scan or reference, to the point is sad.
- Neither Madoka nor Homura have any references, and the latter even uses a fan made interview for her AP in the last key. But there are other bad things:
- Madoka has this in the "Notes" section: "However, Homura was not happy with the current state of affairs. So she gained the godlike power to rewrite the concept of Madoka and reset the world once again.", with the link literally taking you to a meme (with impact font at that, ew).
- They both also have in their Notable Attacks and Techniques stuff which is just P&A, not special techniques. The following are just some examples:
- Madoka - Conceptual Manipulation: As Ultimate Madoka, she has been shown to be capable of destroying the concept of a witch and creating the concept of a Wraith on a multiversal+ scale for all timelines, past and future included.
- Madoka - Void Manipulation: Madoka has shown the ability to manifest in the nonexistent multiverse, the ability to turn a whole multiverse (The World of Witches) nonexistent after rewriting it, as well as being able to affect and erase beings who are nonexistent to a conceptual level like Ultimate Kriemhild Gretchen.
- Homura - BFR: Originally, her BFR sent anything to a pocket world inside her Shield. However, as of the Wraith Arc the BFR instead sends enemies into a timeline in the previous multiverse (The world of the witches, as it became non-existent because Ultimate Madoka rewrote it), thus requiring something akin to Cross-Multiversal+ level range in order to escape it.
- Homura - Irregular Causality: Crystallized Homura transcended the laws of the world because she, alongside Ultimate Madoka, created a true "miracle". Now she does not need her shield to have access to her Acausality.
- Homura - Unconvential Resistance to Power Absorption and Memory Manipulation: If her power is absorbed, it can manifest itself outside of the absorption user or possess them instead. Additionally, as a crystallized magical girl, her memories can be linked with her abilities, making it so that the memories can also manifest themselves or possess others.
- The verse page spams Tabbers for the various series, making it generally VERY hard to look at it and searching for literally anything there is annoying.
- None of the physiology pages has a single scan or reference.
- Why is this still used?
- There's literally not a cosmology blog for the verse, despite the verse being generally high-powered and talking an awful lot about alternate realms, multiple timeline, higher realms and higher dimensional spaces.
The scaling is also really damn awful:
- 7-A is literally fake. The verse page says that it comes from Elisa, who, however... scales to Tart, who scales to Lapin, who scales to Mami, who scales to Elisa. Yes it does mention Kyoko but she's just 7-B so... what the ****. The reason for 7-A existing apparently comes from very flawed multipliers that aren't even stated in-verse (other than a misuse of that stats system that lead to this nonsense, given that the best feat currently calced for the verse is 7-B).
- Massively Hypersonic comes from Homura's feat, but some characters like Kyoko are Massively Hypersonic+ off scaling from Suzune... which is wrong because that feat is only 619.19 Mach, and the baseline for MHS+ instead is 1000 Mach. x1.615 gap is too much for any upscaling. Also Mami is literally MHS+ off upscaling from Homura, and her being 61.5% faster than her wouldn't have lead to this.
- Base Homura is literally rated as absolute fodder as being only 7-C and a complete fodder compared to any other character only because of her being rated as having 0 stats. However it does not make much sense as Homura was able to knock out Sayaka with a kick and fought Mami, despite she has 0 and they had 1.5 and 4 in Offense respectively according to these stats. Plus iirc @Beast_Zero_Gudako pointed out other contradictions but I don't remember where, to be exact.
- Kosane is Low 1-C, but Ultimate Madoka and Devil Homura, who are literally the supreme beings of the verse, are still 2-A? What the ****.
- The calculations are all outdated as **** and aren't even up to the current standards of this Wiki. I made an updated version of all of them though.
I honestly think that all of this genuinely warrants either a freeze or a complete verse deletion.
The creation of the thread for the deletion or freeze of the Nasuverse made me do this post, as PMMM is also in a similar state, if not worse, and given that to fully get its scope, one should put similar efforts to know this verse just like knowing Nasuverse to be honest (also because the PMMM verse does break multiple Wiki standards lol).
I simply lost all the energy to care about this verse any longer, but for anyone who is interested, I listed above all the sourced needed to get this verse, as unlike me I don't have neither the time nor the energy.
For additional scans you people can go on
the Codex wiki profiles only for P&A though for very obvious reasns tho.
I do not think I need to say anything else here. I've solely created this thread in an attempt to motivate people in getting back in this verse as I cannot do it by myself, but the refuse of collaboration and just being stubborn and rushing revisions with the refusal of actually improving the quality of the overall pages lead to this situation.
I am done here. As I said, I am writing this in the hopes for people to actually understand how horrible the verse's current state is, and maybe this motivates them to actually move their ass this time.