Gonna rant here, because it's the same bullcrap over and over. Not directed to anyone in particular, mind you.
What does it matter anymore? Once something is given an abstract or conceptual nature, even giving "types" of abstract/conceptual natures is not gonna halt some of the more ridiculous debates of "yes he can, no he can't". With most particular franchises not really going in proper detail about conceptual and/or abstract existences as well as they could've, it's already complicated as it is, and yet it seems that this site has for the most part accepted that, regardless. I mean, we can try doing calcs and shit, but with stuff on multiversal level and up, there's no true and proper way to measure them...only assumptions via quotes, lines, etc. At this rate, I'd rather leave it as it is.
I'm not saying Pachi is completely wrong, though. Funny, though, I do think the thread that this one was made in response to was out of retaliation or isolated objection to a certain VS thread who existence I'm all too aware of. That redux thread should've never been started.
Btw, besides, I could easily question the same kind of stuff for, persay, something like Digimon, under the same conditions and circumstances, but I'm not, because the same kind of roundabout arguments are gonna turn up anyway. So like I said, leave it as it is until someone can actually bring proof or scans to completely confirm or overturn it.