Well, we don't actually have much saying he is outside the binarry sistem of existence, we actually only have feats of them beingh on It, with Two considering him = 0 and the fact the recomended characters moving can change his sinse sinse this shows that he is the absense of matter and not "nothing at all" putting nonexisty inside the binnary part
Binary sistem is like a hole, the walls represent 1 and the empty middle a 0, to nonexisty be type 2 he would have to be none of thouse, now let's look at nonexisty again, he can be expanded by others moving away from each other, putting the others as the 1 and nonexisty as the 0
Non existy unfortunetly don't seen to be in outside the binnary sistem, and we can also apply this to others perception of him, sinse where one percives non existy he is 1 and where he isn't percived beingh 0
Thinking here, I'm probable wrong trough, nonexisty may be able to have
Abstract Existence sinse his existence is based on others perciving them, that's why nonexisty is always "non present" beacuse that's how others percive him, as the idea of lack of presense
Ignoring the last part to continue talking about nonexistent phisiology
Let's go back at him not beingh present to be on BFDIA
If we considere the binary sistem again as ones present and ones not present, Nonexisty now is the 0, he is made of the concept of ones not beingh present, so by his own nature he wouldn't be allowed to compeat even beingh present
If Nonexisty could participate them we would have a argument for type 2, sinse he is neitheir present and not present at the same time, giving him the idea of a "in betwing" in the binary sistem (what would funny enough give nonexisty transduality, trough IDK what type