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Never The Twain Shall They Meet IC Thread

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The Fox of the East bore a menacing grin. At the exact same moment, the Western Dragon bore an equally evil smile on it's face. "The stupid people of Light and Order fight one another, unknowingly at our behest. The Emperors are our puppets, and their mightiest wizards and shamans are none the wiser. There are none to oppose our plan, and if they don't rid the world of each other, their forces will be far too weak to oppose our join armies." The Fox stated with giddy apprehension.

The Dragon laughed in response and nodded it's crested head, before speaking. "This is perfect. With the nations of the world at war, from the West to East it's only a matter of time!" He finished the Fox'es thought. These two Dark Lords had been concocting ways to keep the East and West at war for many years. The noble people of the West and the honorable folk of the East had been impersonated by the Dark Lord's lieutenants, or fooled into lethal confrontations that have led to terrible atrocities. The wiping out of villages, towns and cities, were no small crimes.

@Noneless21 , @YungManzi , @FantaRin_The_First , @JustSomeWeirdo , @Oliver_de_jesus
"Heh, same old same old huh?" Says a man in mask after killing demons and youkais

The man in mask didn't have an identity when he arrived in this wretched world, and so he goes by the name "Smith". He's an exorcist and mercenary for hire as he kills many demons, appiritions, youkais alike, he just coldly stare the mountain of corpses of his former enemies, making river of blood at the bottom of their corpses.

"At the end, west and east is the same ******* world, why the hell they care so much bout their position anyway? Whatever, more conflict, more money." Says Smith.
"Heh, same old same old huh?" Says a man in mask after killing demons and youkais

The man in mask didn't have an identity when he arrived in this wretched world, and so he goes by the name "Smith". He's an exorcist and mercenary for hire as he kills many demons, appiritions, youkais alike, he just coldly stare the mountain of corpses of his former enemies, making river of blood at the bottom of their corpses.

"At the end, west and east is the same ******* world, why the hell they care so much bout their position anyway? Whatever, more conflict, more money." Says Smith.
A Large Border Settlement between East and West.
Suddenly, the Westerner sees an excorcist/onmyoji style magic user, assisted with a shugenja, ninja and samurai approaching. This small group of powerful individuals are also making way to his location.
"Heeeh? More people huh." Says Smith coldly.

"Whatever, bring it on. Come in peace and I'll leave you alone, but come with hostility and I'll destroy every single one of yall." Says Smith as he reload his weapons such as rifles, revolvers, machine gun alike.
"Heeeh? More people huh." Says Smith coldly.

"Whatever, bring it on. Come in peace and I'll leave you alone, but come with hostility and I'll destroy every single one of yall." Says Smith as he reload his weapons such as rifles, revolvers, machine gun alike.

"Ah, one of these science based folks." The onmyoji stated. "Look, Westerner, there's going to be many more of us coming from the East. We see you're fighting demons so we'll leave you alone, but you may want to get out of here before our forces arrive."
"Heh, thanks for the warning bud." Says Smith

"But ya see, I don't care about those ***** like west versus east or some shit, I have better things to worry about, but since I have conpleted my business here, I shall back off." Says Smith.

Though if yall decided to hunt me down, then let's see who's the real hunter. Thought Smith.
Alice was taking a drink of cold water from her canteen, while having the head of a dead enemy under her foot which she ended up crushing.

"This is a fun place to unleash the chaos of combat, too bad we have visitors" she said to herself.
'We're all going to hell due to this shit, aren't we?'

Randall, on his end, was practicing the long-lived art of looting and taking whatever goods he could find off enemy corpses: be it their clothing, personal items, or even their weapons if they were any on their person. He is best described as an average person you could find anywhere, hence, he was feeling a fair amount of disgust towards everyone here with their nasty personalities.

That train of thought, however, earned a self-decapitating chuckle out of Randall, once he took a glance at the corpses that he helped added to this battlefield and mumbled, "... not like I am any different, but money is money..." whilst also patting the small bag full of the good stolen from corpses which was next to his person.
River wears a long cloth to conceal her identity, looking on at a burning village at the horizon.

"That's, awful."

She says with tear-filled eyes.
'We're all going to hell due to this shit, aren't we?'

Randall, on his end, was practicing the long-lived art of looting and taking whatever goods he could find off enemy corpses: be it their clothing, personal items, or even their weapons if they were any on their person. He is best described as an average person you could find anywhere, hence, he was feeling a fair amount of disgust towards everyone here with their nasty personalities.

That train of thought, however, earned a self-decapitating chuckle out of Randall, once he took a glance at the corpses that he helped added to this battlefield and mumbled, "... not like I am any different, but money is money..." whilst also patting the small bag full of the good stolen from corpses which was next to his person.
((Why did you decapitate yourself with a chuckle? lol ))
Nearby Randall notices a rustling wooden closet laying face down with a young voice screaming. "Daddy! Mommy!" The fire which is consuming the rubble of a house is inching closer to this closet by the moment.
"......." Smith heard the crying of children as he reminded himself of his past.

[You're an empty child aren't cha? Well let's fill the emptiness of your heart and soul together then!] Says the little girl in his memory, the ancient Demon.

"........**** me" says Smith as he decided to help the child.

As he get inside the burning house, he then grab both man and woman's corpse from the fire and grabs them and take them out from the burning house.

"haaah, guess I'm too late, better bury them." Says Smith. He then see the crying boy.

"Oi brat, ya want to cry forever? ya mom and pop wouldn't want you to cry forever ya know?" Says Smith bluntly to the crying boy.
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"......." Smith heard the crying of children as he reminded himself of his past.

[You're an empty child aren't cha? Well let's fill the emptiness of your heart and soul together then!] Says the little girl in his memory, the ancient Demon.

"........**** me" says Smith as he decided to help the child.

As he get inside the burning house, he then save both man and woman from the fire and grabs them and take them out from the burning house.

"You're welcome." Says Smith as he left the family
Saving the little boy's parents would have been a wonderful thing to do. Unfortunately, the child was the only living occupant in the house at the moment.
"......." Smith heard the crying of children as he reminded himself of his past.

[You're an empty child aren't cha? Well let's fill the emptiness of your heart and soul together then!] Says the little girl in his memory, the ancient Demon.

"........**** me" says Smith as he decided to help the child.

As he get inside the burning house, he then grab both man and woman's corpse from the fire and grabs them and take them out from the burning house.

"haaah, guess I'm too late, better bury them." Says Smith. He then see the crying boy.

"Oi brat, ya want to cry forever? ya mom and pop wouldn't want you to cry forever ya know?" Says Smith bluntly to the crying boy.

Grabbing the child, it appears that he has one blue within blue eye and one red within one red eye, both eyes are glowing. He hugged Smith. "Thank you Mister Smith!" He stated with sweet gratitude.
".....you're welcome" says Smith.

[Ooh? You're actually a good boy huh? There there~~, good boy. You're actually kinder than you thought so keep it okay?] Says the ancient Demoness in Smith's memory, she and her subordinates are the only family for Smith as far as he can remember.
Alice continues to walk through the battle zone, watching everything burn.

"Hey, shouldn't we get out of here?" one of her voices asked.

"Nahh" Alice replies.
Just outside of a Western military camp, Rolo has been going through the motions of training for what appears to have been several hours. Despite his own apparent fatigue, his training equipment and gear remain seemingly undamaged, as he had repeatedly been undoing the attacks he previously landed on a tree and practiced against the air while his ability was on cool down, all so that his gear would be in top shape in the event of a real battle.

Roland decides he's trained long enough, for now, and heads back towards camp for a moment of rest. He ponders the small town he left behind, the people that lived there, and if it's possible he would ever see them again.

rewinding the universe constantly because the grind never quits
((Why did you decapitate yourself with a chuckle? lol ))
Nearby Randall notices a rustling wooden closet laying face down with a young voice screaming. "Daddy! Mommy!" The fire which is consuming the rubble of a house is inching closer to this closet by the moment.
(Agh! My b! Was busy with irl stuff. Thankfully, @Noneless21 took care of that 'event'. Also, did I mistype deprecating as decapitating? Damn my weak grasp of English, if so!)

With moralistic platitudes running through his mind, Randall made the moron-like choice of running back into the small town that he helped ruin, leaving behind his bag of loot. "...!"

To explain, guilt was, without a doubt, one of the strongest motivators in the world. That is what Randall thinks, anyhow. Frankly, it was the only way that could explain the festering sensation of uselessness and self-loathing in his heart due to his crimes here: which was only strengthened once he uselessly stood by and let somebody else save a fearful child.

Truly, being a tad bit insensitive is important for survival. He thought he could've handled this amount of bloodshed with the heart of a true man, and his greed being satisfied with all of the loot. Unfortunately, his heart was weak, and his resolve of counting this bloodshed was weaker, at this moment...

"Hey! Is anybody here!" He called out to any unfortunate survivors with his hands cupped around his mouth. "C'mom, c'mon! That child was proof that not everybody here is dead." He harshly whispered, wandering frantically like a devil wrought with guilt. "There has to be a chance to fix all of this - or at least make myself feel better...!"
(Agh! My b! Was busy with irl stuff. Thankfully, @Noneless21 took care of that 'event'. Also, did I mistype deprecating as decapitating? Damn my weak grasp of English, if so!)

With moralistic platitudes running through his mind, Randall made the moron-like choice of running back into the small town that he helped ruin, leaving behind his bag of loot. "...!"

To explain, guilt was, without a doubt, one of the strongest motivators in the world. That is what Randall thinks, anyhow. Frankly, it was the only way that could explain the festering sensation of uselessness and self-loathing in his heart due to his crimes here: which was only strengthened once he uselessly stood by and let somebody else save a fearful child.

Truly, being a tad bit insensitive is important for survival. He thought he could've handled this amount of bloodshed with the heart of a true man, and his greed being satisfied with all of the loot. Unfortunately, his heart was weak, and his resolve of counting this bloodshed was weaker, at this moment...

"Hey! Is anybody here!" He called out to any unfortunate survivors with his hands cupped around his mouth. "C'mom, c'mon! That child was proof that not everybody here is dead." He harshly whispered, wandering frantically like a devil wrought with guilt. "There has to be a chance to fix all of this - or at least make myself feel better...!"
With most of the demonic horde finally gone, there were still a few stragglers searching for survivors. Meanwhile, a demonic looking humanoid with horns and a bestial snout with fangs literally hovered over the man, ready to rip out his throat with his fangs.
(Well, i'm waiting for other people, i can't be the only one replying to it right?)
River ran over toward the village, staying far enough away from the action to observe what's happening in the village without being involved.
At the end of the day, war will keep on enraging as long as there's conflict or someone behind the strings huh. Thought Smith as he see the burning village.

"unlike the world before, this world is much chaotic, well the world before is peaceful because of Phantom king-sama working from the shadow though." Whisper Smith.
The soldiers eventually came into view of @YungManzi. All the PCs near the area find can see the Eastern troops. There is a total of twenty thousand individual foot soldiers, and it seems that another army is coming just into view. The same side.
"I guess that's my cue to get the hell out of here" Alice said as she spawned a pair of wings and then tried to fly.
The soldiers eventually came into view of @YungManzi. All the PCs near the area find can see the Eastern troops. There is a total of twenty thousand individual foot soldiers, and it seems that another army is coming just into view. The same side.
River uses the hidden mist technique to create a thick and expansive smokescreen while move closer towards the army to get a better look at both sides.
"I guess that's my cue to get the hell out of here" Alice said as she spawned a pair of wings and then tried to fly.
"Ooh? What're ya doing here missy?" Ask Smith.

"Before ya ask bout ma position, I'm neither East or West, I'm a mercenary." Claim Smith.
"Well, let's say I've been looking for information and tactics taken in this battle, sell it to someone who pays well and if I can take something for myself" Alice said, as a Dragon she didn't really care what happened to humans, she could live quietly while they all fight each other.
"Heeeh, guess you're like me, the apathetic position huh." Says Smith.

"By the way, who're you working for? I may need more jobs to do." Ask Asim.
"Nobody in particular, just some criminals and opportunistic salesmen, it's better that someone else gives the information, I really don't want to be the one who ends up being hunted by the authorities of both sides without having additional cover, if you understand me" Alice said before smile at smith
"Fine, guess I make my own money the other way." Says Smith.

"Hmmm, the more i think bout this shit the wierder it gets." Says Smith.
"Really, but what can be done? No one here has enough personal motivation and power to fix this." Alice really has no one to care about, well for now
"Hmmmmmmmmmmm, while become a smaller version of Phantom King-sama has a nice ring to it, we need more information." Says Smith.

"Plus, fighting these demons get pretty boring, need some big hunt soon." Says Smith.
"IDK who is Phantom King-sama, but I guess one gets bored of the same thing when it's constant" She said while shrugging