Daemon's ability got me thinking for a bit. There's actually two sides to it, it seems.
His ability most probably Action and Intent. This is a known fact, but I mean they are two separate mechanisms under the same ability.
It's possible Bug's statement of Daemon's condition referred to
Action only. It's one part of his ability.
"And though it's necessary for his hand to be touching another person"
"It's only when he's touching others with his hands... that actions gets reflected"
There's been distinction multiple times such as
here with Eida and
here with Amado with him detailing how Actions get reflected but skipping over the conditions needed for Intent.
This part of Chapter 75 and
this part of Chapter 59 are the moments where he wasn't touching anyone as opposed to
here and
here and in all instances everyone of them made an Action that got reflected and Daemon fulfilled the condition Bug said and Amado clarified.
For the Chapter 59 bit you could say it's the action of him drawing his sword that got sent back but it also could be interpreted as Daemon reflecting the intent since at that moment he didn't fulfill the condition for reflecting Actions, but might have already for reflecting Intent