Most people seem to like Kahhori's character. Guess I'll be the contrarian then...
I liked the concept, visual pallet, and power set of her. But what I didn't like is how her character was written.
See, I understand all the origin stories involving McGuffins and the “Chosen One” trope.
It's just that Kahhori suddenly became the most powerful amongst her brethren without any apparent progression or explanation, despite the fact that all of them were powered by the same “unmitigated Space Stone energy”.
And then she starts preaching to her brethren on how they aren't brave if they aren't ready to fight for their people, instantly becoming their leader.
Then she appears in the last episode and defeats an established character who many like, i.e. Zombie Wanda, easily.
She goes on to outsmart Infinity Killmonger with ALL the Infinity Stones (which doesn't make sense since the last time we saw him, he had only 5).
She could somehow also control Wenwu’s 10 Rings without air manipulation powers, when we just saw Hela not being able to do so in the last episode.
These are all tried and tested beats of a “strong female character”. Very clique and, to be honest, cringe. They did the same with Captain Marvel, another Space Stone powered mutant. We need strong characters that are female. Why can't the current MCU writers understand that?
Talking about the finale itself, I know the writers will try to justify it by saying their usual “it's the multiverse, anything can happen”, but honestly at this point, that's just an excuse for their lazy writing plagued with inconsistencies, plot holes, and PIS....
I really liked child Star Lord, White Hela (apparently more powerful than prime Odin), 1602’s Witch Wanda, and Sakaar’s Iron Man. Idk why they didn't use them them in the finale and assemble a team like they did in What If… S1E9.
Instead, they just had 2 characters (one of which was totally new, badly written as I explained above, and was never asked for) that got a bunch of buffs they had no experience and/or power using to defeat Demon Strange, a fan favourite.
They ruined his character arc from S1 by making him forcibly go through it all over again, similar to Wanda from Multiverse of Midness. It's also hilariously frustrating how literally NONE of the overpowered universe killers were able to just fly away from the forge.
They just kept falling down and flying up at Demon Strange's and Kahhori's whim respectively. Instead of just using their powers to fly away, they throw their weapons to aid Kahhori and Captain Carter who were somehow able to operate them perfectly without any experience with them.
Not to mention, Kahhori can somehow send ALL of the universe killers to their homes, even though it's obvious that she neither knows about nor has been to all of their home worlds. Captain Carter can somehow destroy all of the pocket dimensions that Demon Strange created to contain the universe killers with just a shield throw.
Infinity Killmonger somehow had all the 6 Infinity Stones on him even though the last time we saw him in What If... S1E9, he only had 5 as Infinity Ultron still had the Mind Stone embedded on his forehead.
Captain Carter could somehow conjure necroswords from Hela's helmet, when it was established in Thor: Ragnarok that Hela conjures necroswords innately without sporting her helmet. Just 2 episodes back in the same show, when Hela realises that she doesn't have her helmet anymore, she still tries to conjure the necroswords innately (though she fails as Odin took away her innate powers along with enchanting her helmet, and made her a regular Asgardian like Thor in Thor 1).
Demon Strange somehow couldn't capture Kahorri despite the fact that he captured much more powerful universe killers on his own (such as Infinity Ultron, Infinity Killmonger, and that Hulk-Thor-Valkyrie amalgamation to name a few).
He also somehow couldn't think of just taking off the protection spell that allowed Carter to block his attacks with her shield and hold the Infinity Stones bare-handedly (which still doesn't make sense as it's well-established that the Time Stone can't be held physically). And lastly...
Why are they trying to push Peggy with a plot armour so thick that it rivals the best (or worst?) of Mary Sues? Like, they had zero focus on the other Guardians of the Multiverse from S1E9 except for Gamora (who had no role in any of the episodes other than her own, and that particular episode was supposed to be in S1 anyway).