Yay, I love MHA so much! Anybody mind if I throw up three at once? not that you can stop me.HAHAHA
Quirk: Fat Burner (I'm really bad at naming things)
Descriptio: The user is able to burn fat stores in the body to increase physical strength of the users muscles. The amount of strength gained is directly proportional to how much fat is burned and how fast, with a maximum output of roughly ten time the users normal strength, for a couple of minutes. A side effect is a slight rise in the user's internal core body tempature. Only in a rare situation could this be dangerous to the user.
Limitatio: Obviously the user needs natural fat stores for the quirk to work safely. It's not well suited to Hero work, or any other line of work that would require regular usage of the quirk, because excessive use it would lead to an unhealthy life style.
Equipment: None. The specific character that has the quirk isn't a professional Hero for the reasons stated above.
Special Move: Burning Mode - As stated above, the quirk requires fat to work safely, but fat isn't all that can be burned. Muscle tissue can also be burned to grant a massive boost in strength far greater then when burning fat even at maximum output. This is dangerous for a few reasons, first of which is excessive loss in muscle mass can resault in permanent damage. As the name suggests, the user's body temapture increases massively, causing their skin to become scalding, which can also be dangerous as it could cause severe burns all over their body. To top is all off, after useing Burning Mode, the use needs to ingest large ammounts of calorie rich food to keep from droping into a coma. Burning Mode can only be used if all fat stores in the body are burned away, and only for a under a minute before the quirk automatical shuts off.
Alright, cool. This is the first time any of these have been written down. Now that I'm reading it, these might need some tweaking. Whatever! On to number 2!
Quirk: Kinetic Conversion
Descrptio: The user can absorb incoming kinetic energy to improve physical attributes. This includes promoting cell growth which typically resaults in faster healing. Muscle strength is also improved granting inhanced strength, speed, durability and endurnce. Mental faculties are improved as well, with resault like quicker thinking and greater memory recall. For best resaults, many small burst of kinetic energy should be applied to the body slowly over time.
Limitatio: The qurik can be overloaded. Too much kinetic energy comming in at once can resault in severe muscle damage and even death via body explosion. Prolonged use of a large amount of kinetic energy starts to strain the body resaulting in greater wear and tear on both the musculature and bone structure. New kinetic energy must introduced from an outside source.
Equipment: A specialised suit with 12 small pistons along the back. These connect to a control housed in the left glove, so the wearer can turn the pistons on and off.
Special Move: None at the moment. I came up with this one the other day for a friend who was being even more uncreative and just had a power copy quirk with a lifespan lowering limit.
Alright, the last and least creative one. This has somehow taken me an hour to type. Why? I'm slow.
Quirk: Lizard (I'm just exploding with creative juices right now.)
Descriptio: The user displays traits similar to lizards (but mostly chameleons). This includes, eyes housed in a conical structure that allows them to move independantly of each other and to see a full 360 degrees around the user (not too sure how that would look, probably horrifying), a long, prehensile tail that is usually curled against the body, and can act a third arm, a long, sticky tongue that can be shot from the mouth at high speeds to either capture foes or grab onto large objects and then retracted rapidly to rocket forward, chromatophores in skin cells to allow the user to change color and the ability to regrow lost limbs.
Limitations: The overall body structure is bulky and restricts movment causing them to be rather slow outside of tongue launches. The max length of the tongue is 20 feet and even extending it that far is painful. The tail is 6 feet in length and cannot extend any farther. It's very powerful but reletively slow moving. The chromatophores can create advanced patterens, but are strongly linked to the user's emotions. Stray emotions can cause random colors to form. Example: embaressment would cause him to become bright red, strong saddness or dissapointment can cause him to become litrally blue, ect. ect. Regrowing lost limbs is not instant, but occures over several days, weeks or months depending on the severity of the damage. During this time peroid, the user can consume more calories then normal to speed the prosses along.
Special Move: Tongue Canno - The user fires their tongue to capture villians or graple to large inanimate objects to facilitate faster movement. The flim coating the end of their tongue is incredibly sticky, can remain on villians if they manage to detach from the tongue and is water repellent.
Alright, I think that's it.