Bad news guys, I think I messed up with my earlier scaling chain.
We currently scale a bunch of top tiers to 8-C+ due to Raian being 3.33x stronger with Removal.
The issue with this is, really only Removal Raian and Possessing Spirit should scale to 8-C+ due to statements that Removal Raian surpasses everyone in brute strength.
This is stated by and confirmed by Wakatsuki, who confirms Agito's claim that Removal Raian and Julius surpass Wakatsuki in terms of power. While Julius and Wakatsuki are confirmed to be even in strength, Julius' large frame gives him an edge. There's no other indication of how Wakatsuki scales to Removal Raian, just that he is surpassed by him in strength.
So basically, we can't scale anyone to Removal Raian since he's confirmed by two sources to surpass everyone else. This likely includes Unrestricted Base Ohma since it's confirmed in Omega that Raian was stronger (the the "at that point" raises some eyebrows).
So, the new scaling train would be like this:
8-C+: Possessing Spirit Ohma, Removal Raian
At least 8-C (via surpassing Saw Pain): Base Raian, Base Unrestricted Ohma, Wakatsuki, Agito, Kuroki, Kiryu, Gaolang, Muteba, etc (basically anyone who currently has 8-C+)
8-C: Saw Paing, etc.
I was gonna mention Takeru's Raging Vigor, but idk how reliable that is given that it's stated by 2 very well informed sources that Removal Raian can't be touched by anyone in terms of raw power.
Although, keep in mind that a major theme in Kengan is that skill can triumph over strength if used well (Ohma vs Raian, Ohma vs Wakatsuki), so it's not unrealistic for guys like Kuroki, Agito and Ohma to be physically weaker then someone and still beat them, hence why these guys are considered the cream of the crop over Raian (without Kure techniques that is).