BMWFanboy said:
Except when Ichigo needed to count to 100 underwater he couldn't and said he'd drown(and he obviously would because he clearly ran out of breath) and Kenpachi's fluids started evaporating when Gremmy threw him into space, and when Yamajii's activated his Bankai some Captain did say his throat went dry.
By that logic, even Dr.Strange's magic hasn't shown working on Reishi. So that means it won't work on them.
As for it not working on Edo Tensei, that is fundamentally different from Souls which are basically Reishi humans. Edo Tensei don't bleed, they can't die unless they are released, they heal even if they are beaten etc. Souls can however die, bleed, need to breathe, drink, eat, can't survive in space, can drown. So you can't compare then because they're both technically dead when they're almost nothing alike. Souls are basically humans that have gone to another Dimension. They're not like Edo Tensei at all.
Really? Then why'd he fail to count to 100 underwater when I asked to? Oh wait I know, because he ran out of breath
1. Where and when did he needed to count to 100 underwater. Show me a scan. I don't remember this been canon.
2. Where is the evidence that hints at Gremmy throwing him into outer space from the human world and not Soul Society?
3. Their throat went dry. But not Ichigo's. Even Yhwach could restore his own voice by crushing his throat and absorbing reishi through it. The water in Soul Society is made of reishi as everything else.
4. Dr. Strange Magic transcends matter, and he has feats of fighting souls too.
5. See you're reversing my argument against Edo's been equal to Souls. Exactly my point. Souls are basically humans that have gone to another Dimension. They're not like Edo Tensei at all. Show me feats of IT working on Souls without a living vessel because Tsukuyumi does work on Edo. Itachi vs Kabuto.
6. Show me a scan of Ichigo not breathing underwater.