Well, yes, Narrative would be above Conceptual existence, as without your narrative, you don't exist even conceptually, for example:
Your Narrative is all you are, including everything you've ever done, ever be, ever do, all your existence on all levels, if you are no longer written on the page, all you've done, will do, will be, your very existence will never have, never will and never is. Even your concept is gone because of this.
The Major problem is that the original is fallacious, we're assuming that's any EE from a 1-A being > all other regen. I.E Physical EE from 1-A > Conceptual regen because 1-A.
Were making a hasty conclusion which isn't backed up by our own system, that's the major issue, with My proposal of Narrative erasure or Ultima's proposal of beyond the Duality of Existence and Non-existence are levels of reality, layers of an Onion.