my bad, counfused Gerald with Geralt
Also here's a few thing Dresden can do
Fuego: Creates intense heat or flame, which can either be projected from Dresden's hands or staff, or immediately created on a target, causing it to combust. Capable of hitting a loup-garou hard enough to throw it across a street and through a series of brick walls. Can also be used to draw heat from the surroundings, channeling it into a powerful beam of fire while also potentially freezing anything he drew heat from (which can include living things) solid.
Ubriacha, ubrius, ubrium: A Thaumaturgy spell that temporarily blinds, deafens and cripples the target. It was used against a loup-garou to prevent it from going on a killing spree, by linking the loup-garou to a toy bear using its blood, then binding the toy bear's eyes, ears, mouth and hands.
Dormius, dorme: A spell that makes a person fall asleep. However it was only done in a magic circle with some time to concentrate, so it is likely not combat applicable.
Unnamed Paralysis Spell: A spell Dresden used to paralyze several winged ape demons.
Tornarius: A spell that reflects a target's force and momentum back at them. However, if the target's power is too great, then Dresden and the target will split the difference, each being affected by half the total force.
and this is the heart destruction spell
Heart Burster Curse: A Dark Magic Thaumaturgy spell that Dresden worked out how to do in Storm Front, but would never do in-character. Using a part of the victim's body such as their hair or blood as a link, the caster gouges out the heart of a sacrificial animal, which then causes the target's heart to violently explode out of their chest.
It not very hard or prep heavy to pull off