Made a list of abilities for a Ranni profile
Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Inorganic Physiology (Type 1, has transfered her soul into a doll), Immortality (Type 1 and 6, can transfer her soul into a doll body), Magic (Advanced), Ice Manipulation (Has an affinity for the cold as shown by her weapons and spells), Telekinesis, Energy Manipulation and Projection (Able to project glinstone energy like her illusion of Rennala), Forcefield Creation (Shown to have a barrier around her if attacked after being given the Dark Moon Ring by the Tarnshied), Illusion Creation (Created an illusion of her mother Rennala at her prime who could fight the Tarnished), Crystal Manipulation (Her illusion of Rennala could project glinstone shards, Ranni should be able to do the same), Creation (Her Dark Moon spell can create a moon she can use as a projectile), Curse Manipulation and Death Manipulation (Can instantly kill the Tarnished with a curse without even moving), Summoning (Her illusion of her mother can summon Spirits Ashes in battle, Ranni should be able to do it to), Levitation (Her illusion of Rennala could evitate, Ranni should be able to do the same), Teleportation, likely others